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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.160 In reply to 6507.159 
one file by script :)
It's not so bad!
But I am sure than Smirnov of Michael can make better! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  David (BLEND3D)
6507.161 In reply to 6507.147 
Hi guys,

I just rebooted my aging Dell Precision 390 workstation from WinXP Pro to Win7 Enterprise (both 32 bit) since MS dropped XP support this month. I just added the Custom UI to my clean March MoI Beta install. Wow, this is so cool! I love MoI and you just made it better, THANK YOU to all involved!!!

Like some others in this thread I had some issues with things not working such as Snapshot and the "+" feature in the Object Lib. All of that has been resolved by running MoI in Admin Mode.

Only one minor issue is still lingers and that is the view-port nav buttons disappearing for a while and then coming back after a while. The "Reset all" button in the panel always works so this is not major but oddly I can't seem to nail down what will bring it back up. I may have to do a few operations to the model in a given view-port or hit the "Reset all" button and they will appear in one view. But if I leave that view to work in another view it will not come up in the active one.

If any one has a solution that would be very helpful.

David W.
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 From:  bemfarmer
The custom UI has not been working correctly for the Mar-24-2014 MoI beta, on my windows7 computer.
I could not figure out why a newly added script would not be updated in the custom UI. It did occasionally update,
after the new file was also added to the previous MoI beta command folder. So it is not a cache issue.

I finally edited the ini file, accessed from the MoI program, and found that the file directory was set for the prior MoI beta.
After editing the ini file to the correct C:\Program Files\Moi 3.0 beta Mar-24-2014, the custom UI is working correctly again.

I do not know how the problem originated. Maybe from importing a .3dm?
The previous MoI beta is now uninstalled and deleted.
So maybe it is best to uninstall old MoI betas?

- Brian
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 From:  Ronamodeler (RON_A)
Brian, I had to do the same. Took a bit to figure out the issue. You have to love computers...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.164 In reply to 6507.162 
Hi Brian,

> So maybe it is best to uninstall old MoI betas?

Normally I'd recommend keeping an old beta around for at least a couple of weeks after a new beta is out, just in case there are any new bugs in the new beta that get in your way.

For the case of CustomUI in particular you will need to edit its path to go the new beta.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.165 In reply to 6507.164 
Thank you Michael :-)
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
All scripts have been rewritten using newest filesystem functions. Mac users now can rename and delete objects in the Object library.
Check the first post for update.

P.S. Added CustomUI version of the Dinos Script Palette script.

EDITED: 28 Jun 2014 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.167 In reply to 6507.166 
Cool :)

Does the manual of the first page is changed ?
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.168 In reply to 6507.167 
Hi Pilou
I changed scripts only.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.169 In reply to 6507.168 
Thx for the info! So no new translation to make! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  BurrMan
6507.170 In reply to 6507.168 
Hi Max,
Can you help me with one edit I need to make?

For the path of a scripts directory has changed.

In the previous version, for the mods/ there was a line like this to set a path to a folder:

var files = moi.filesystem.getFiles(moi.command.getOption('ExePath', false)+"\\commands", '*.js' ), scom = [];

Where "commands" is a folder to look in.....

The new version has this line:

var files = moi.filesystem.getFiles(moi.filesystem.getCommandsDir(), '*.js' ), scom = [];

How is this line modified to set a custom directory?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.171 In reply to 6507.170 
Hi Burr, do you mean you want the custom directory to be one that's inside the installation folder like alongside "ui" and "commands" ?

If so you could do this:

var files = moi.filesystem.getFiles(moi.filesystem.getProcessDir()+"\\commands", '*.js' ), scom = [];

that should be the equivalent of the old one, it will get the location of the folder where MoI.exe is in, then stick \commands at the end of that, replace commands with what you need same as you did before.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.172 In reply to 6507.166 
And thanks Max for updating this to work for Mac users too!

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
6507.173 In reply to 6507.171 
Hi Michael,
Yes that was it... It was the difference between getCommandsDir and the getProcessDir you posted. I was trying a few variations with crashing, but was only changing the "+\\folder" part....

Thanks for responding in on that....

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.174 In reply to 6507.170 
Hi Burr,

now you can set any directory you want (check the first post).
Update mods/
Create mods/ExtScripts.cfg.htm file with the following content:
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 From:  wastzzz
Thanks, works perfectly on new beta.
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 From:  BurrMan
6507.176 In reply to 6507.174 
Thanks max... i will check out the cfg file too. It sounds handy. I needed the other one because i setup 2 extension scripts with 2 buttons in the commandbar....
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 From:  shayno
Thanks Michael for the latest Beta
In case anyone is interested , on the windows version to easily get my Moi beta back up and running with scripts and custom UI I do this

from the old beta version ( call it old ) I
Copy sidepane.htm from old UI into new UI (mine opens construct and transform at once).
Copy saveas.js and save.js from old commands into new commands overwrite the new ones (mine save a jpg also).

Copy all of the commands folder from old into the new commands folder but do not replace or overwrite anything in there.
This puts any commands you use like ringcircle etc in there

I copy the following so I know where they are.
Copy your moi.ini into the main moi directory of new
Copy your template file in there also
Copy your licience key into moi directory

Installation: of custumui.
- Backup /ui/CommandBar.htm (I just copy to the desktop)
- Extract CustomUI archive into the MoI directory

delete objects in new objects folder
Copy your objects from old objects file to new objects
copy snapshot.htm from old customui to new customui (mine is set to save as a jpg)
rename any parts of custom UI with a - in front that you don't want (I don't use the align buttons)
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6507.178 In reply to 6507.177 
Hi Shayne, apart from your sidepane.htm, saveas.js and save.js if you uninstall the previous beta all custom scripts and custom directories will be left behind then it's just a matter copy and paste, the only thing to replace is Max's CommandBar.htm

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 From:  yakas
Hi guys, I am getting this error. When it does load, there is nothing visually different about the UI?
Image Attachments:
Size: 43.3 KB, Downloaded: 158 times, Dimensions: 463x331px
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