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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.132 In reply to 6507.131 
Thank you I will give this a try again!!!
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.133 In reply to 6507.132 
Got the interface to show but when I elect objects icon the program crashes.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.134 In reply to 6507.133 
Hi mike, I can repeat a crash over here but only if the /objects subdirectory has not been placed.

So my guess is that you don't have that directory in the proper place, maybe go over those previous directions again and double check that you have a directory drive_c/moi/objects, it should contain 6 files, 3 PNGs and 3 3DM files.

You will need both "objects" and "snapshots" directories copied into the right place (into drive_c/moi) in order for this to work.

Both of those should be under drive_c/moi - if you have placed those particular ones under drive_c/moi/ui that's not right.

- Michael
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.135 In reply to 6507.134 
It seems to be working now. I don't see all the objects that were shown in the first thread, gear,nut, bearing etc..
Thanks for hanging with me on this.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.136 In reply to 6507.135 
Hi mike, that's great that you've got it working!

> I don't see all the objects that were shown in the first thread, gear,nut, bearing etc..

That seems to be normal - there's only 3 included by default in this particular package.

I think the main idea is you can add your own objects in there. If you select an object you want to put in there, open that menu and move your mouse to that title text that says "Object library". A plus mark will appear and when you click there it will put up a dialog for you to put in a name and that will make a new entry in the menu.

If you want some objects like that gear and what not, you can get a bunch of stuff like that over at .

- Michael
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.137 In reply to 6507.136 
Thank you for your extraordinary help with this.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.138 In reply to 6507.137 
No problem Mike!

- Michael
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 From:  shayno
Hi Guys
I was having trouble getting the custom ui to find the lighting presets plugin
I have downloaded the and copied it into the commands folder
it runs from this script on a key script: /* Opens Lighting Options Dialog */ moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://ui/LightingOptions.htm' );

and would you believe it once I used the above script the custom button works
So problem solved

EDITED: 27 Feb 2014 by SHAYNO

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 From:  shayno
I have installed the custom ui into the latest beta Mar24th and it comes up with the error message custom iu folder not found
The customiu folder is in the ui folder does the command.htm need the full path to it?
Moi sits in my program files folder on the C drive
Any ideas

EDITED: 27 Mar 2014 by SHAYNO

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 From:  BurrMan
6507.141 In reply to 6507.140 
Hi Shayno,
It loaded ok over here. The file from MoI's UI is "commandbar.htm" that had an edit to use the custom ui. Did you update your commandbar.htm from the old install to the new one?
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 From:  shayno
I think what happened was access was denied by windows to some of the files being extracted into my c drive , so were missing
I moved it elsewhere and redid the customiu install , working now thanks
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
6507.143 In reply to 6507.1 

Your CustomUI is great!
But I think that I'm doing something wrong.
I've got the latest March beta up and running with your CustomUI. The Ext Scripts come up OK with scripts that I already had installed but I can't get the list to update to show new scripts (eg Michael's Csec script) that I've copied to the Command folder in the new beta.
I'm running Windows 8.1 64 bit.

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 From:  BurrMan
6507.144 In reply to 6507.143 
""""""""""The Ext Scripts come up OK with scripts that I already had installed but I can't get the list to update to show new scripts """"""""""

Me too.
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 From:  moritzbock (MORITZ)
Hi to all,

the CustumUI looks great - but where is the ViewReset-Button in each of the views? I need it very often ...

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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
6507.146 In reply to 6507.145 
****************but where is the ViewReset-Button in each of the views?

It's present for me, both in the latest (March) beta and the previous (November) beta.
Windows 8.1 64 bit.
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 From:  BurrMan
6507.147 In reply to 6507.145 
The viewport nav buttons disappear with an inactive viewport. Active viewport and they appear dimmed. Mouseover brings them opaque...
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 From:  BurrMan
6507.148 In reply to 6507.143 
Hi Mike,
"""""""""""""""""The Ext Scripts come up OK with scripts that I already had installed but I can't get the list to update to show new scripts """"""""""""""

So this is the case for me too. I thinks it's a permissions issue. If I run MoI as admin then the newly added things will appear. This UI is doing some filesystem stuff, so regular dragging and dropping of the files/folders between betas now will most likely create these issues.

I'll take a slow look at the various permissions (have to go back and track down the Ui's workflow) Then see if I can suggest the rights assignment to the file that's is causing the issue.

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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
6507.149 In reply to 6507.148 

---------------If I run MoI as admin then the newly added things will appear.

Not for me, unfortunately, 'cos I could live with that no problem.

I've checked the security settings for the scripts that do load against those that don't and can see no difference between them.

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 From:  BurrMan
6507.150 In reply to 6507.149 
""""Not for me, unfortunately,""""""""""""""

Ok I got it... It's not permissions. It's the exepath entry in the ini file. Mine was still pointing to the old beta.

Set that path to the new beta folder and see what you get.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6507.151 In reply to 6507.150 
On first launch of the new beta I had an error message stating couldn't find customui directory and a file dialogue box asking me where Moi.exe was, pointed to it and everything works as it should.
If you still have your previous beta installed get rid of it then try again.

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