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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Can you give me the process for a Script to the Commandbar?

Say i have this one
script:/*Loop Selection*/moi.geometryDatabase.selectLoop();

Seems ... onbuttonclick="Loop Selection">Loop Selection</moi:CommandButton>
don't work ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.108 In reply to 6507.107 
Hi Pilou

<moi:CommandButton icon="..." onbuttonclick="moi.geometryDatabase.selectLoop();">Loop Selection</moi:CommandButton>
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.109 In reply to 6507.108 
of course if we must type all the script that is an another story! I could not find that !

Many thanks!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Tested! Bravo!
Button of the BarCommand for a script (not a Command) works very fine!
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.111 In reply to 6507.106 
I get to the final step and not sure what to do because to use the words Extract CustomUI.1.0 what does that mean.
For example: Replace something from existing contents? Sorry
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.112 In reply to 6507.111 
3. Extract files from to drive_c/moi
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.113 In reply to 6507.112 
And on the mac to get to the drive_c/moi directory, right-click on the Moi app icon and choose "Show package contents" on the menu that comes up. Then inside of there you will be able to find drive_c/moi.

- Michael
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.114 In reply to 6507.113 
I am find where I need to go c/moi its do I replace current contents add to or what? Sorry
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.115 In reply to 6507.114 
Hi mike,

> do I replace current contents add to or what? Sorry

You need to add the contents of the zip there. There will be one file that will be overwritten, then rest are added files.

So inside the zip are 3 directories: "objects", "snapshots", and "ui".

The "objects" and "snapshots" directories will be new - MoI does not already have any directories there of those names, so just move both of those there under drive_c/moi so that you now have directories drive_c/moi/objects and drive_c/moi/snapshots.

MoI already has a /ui folder, and you want to merge the contents of this new one onto the existing ui folder, not just completely replace the entire ui folder.

There will be one file /ui/CommandBar.htm that should get overwritten by what is in the .zip - the other things in the .zip should just be added to the ui folder.

Hope that helps!

- Michael
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.116 In reply to 6507.115 
Thanks Michael. Isn't it amazing how much we take installers for granted!
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.117 In reply to 6507.116 
I believe I have followed the instructions properly but I don't see the new interface add-on.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.118 In reply to 6507.117 
Hi Mike,

> I believe I have followed the instructions properly but I don't see the new interface add-on.

It should show up as some new things on the bottom toolbar. Make sure that one particular file "CommandBar.htm" has been replaced by the one in the .zip file. If you see no difference in the bottom toolbar it probably means that file has not been updated.

- Michael
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.119 In reply to 6507.118 
I have placed the new CommandBar.htm (Aug 15,2013) 4KB into the Moi/ui folder. Still nothing.
Sorry for all this screwing around.
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.120 In reply to 6507.119 
Hi Mike,

check please, is Moi/ui/customui folder exists?
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
customui folder (whole with contents) exists inside ui folder along with CommandBar.htm
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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.122 In reply to 6507.121 
Also I get this (see image)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.123 In reply to 6507.122 
Hi Mike, are you possibly using the older v2.52 version of MoI rather than the current v3 beta?

If so try getting the current v3 beta from here: - probably this stuff needs things that are only present in the v3 beta's infrastructure and are not in the older version.

- Michael
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.124 In reply to 6507.121 
Everything is correct. It should work.
Check the CommandBar.htm. Is there "<script type="text/javascript" src="customui/CustomInit.js">" line?
Try to change it to
<script type="text/javascript" src="moi://ui/customui/CustomInit.js" />

EDITED: 24 Feb 2014 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  raytownmike (HOPPER)
6507.125 In reply to 6507.124 
I opened CommandBar.htm in Text Wrangler and I don't see the line you are referring to. What line?
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.126 In reply to 6507.125 
Just saw the message about script error.
Yes, the script works with v3.0 only. Mike, you need to upgrade your software.
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