Joined surface instead of solid
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 From:  OSTexo
Hello Andrei,

Your first mistake is that you don't have the slightest idea how the model should look for the original posters application. Since you are ignorant of the models application you are making assumptions about how it should look based upon your knowledge of inexact poly modeling, which is about as far away as real world manufacturing is to one of your spaceships. It's obvious that you (still) don't have a grasp about surface continuity or its importance in the manufacturing industry. The funny thing is you don't even need to be in the mold industry to understand why the method of construction he used will help him if he needs to make modifications to the part. If you bothered to read what he posted it would be obvious why he is constructing the model that way even based upon that limited information. He made it clear that certain areas of that part were off limits, what part of that don't you understand? He asked for assistance for a particular area of the model. Do you honestly believe that you somehow managed to find a multitude of "mistakes" with this part for his application based upon your work in fantasy world poly modeling? You do realize if he is not methodical and detail oriented he can easily make a million dollar mistake (actual dollars, not space credits)? By the way, it's not a cylinder and you managed to take wrong measurements. Might want to make sure of the basics before attempting to tell someone else they're doing it wrong.
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
Looks like you have double standards. Model with continuity - not good, but to have wry cylinder - it is good. Model for molding is pedant - but have artifacts is normal. You do not know what this detail will be and how it fits etc... But you are absolutley know what is good and what is wrong. You are experts in this area and I want to belive you... But some times it looks like you try to protect this model by any means. Anyway I have no all objective information about this subject and do not want to read tea leaves. So I stop discussing. Peace


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 From:  bigseb

>>Green Cylinder is perefect one, and it stay behinde his cylinder. As you can see his cylinder is wrong, it is becouse he made that spiral detail constant radius.
To avoid that artifacts that his model has, cylinder must be perfect...
This model have 2 mistakes it has artifacts and it is not perfect cylinder. Also it had messy geometry.
Do not know may be this things are not important for molding <<

I know you are trying to help but you don't understand the design intent. A perfect cylinder will not work here as it will change the geometry required for the article. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. I appreciate your input but it isn't helpful in this case.
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 From:  OSTexo

With some helix formula help from Michael I am trying to recreate the part using a variety of techniques using MoI only (I'm using Rhino/VSR for curvature, deviation and light lines analysis). There's more than one way to do this but my objective in the exercise is to have a controllable and flexible set of surfaces. The interior details should be an interesting challenge.


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