Looooong time to load files
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 From:  wastzzz
I use moi for architectural design and my file is about 80mb. It takes 6-7 secs to load on my laptop though. Dunno.
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 From:  B-W-Design
Very intresting. I use win 7 pro 64bit

It's not Long ago when i could open every file in seconds. Mesh-angel is set to 10. i will try 25 an will see what happen.

Ok, done. Set it to 500 an it was about 7 sec. faster. But it took about 2 min 23 sec.
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 From:  B-W-Design
Okay, now i think i know what the Problem is.
i saved the 20 mb file as .iges!
This takes over 2 min to load. The same file, saved as .3dm takes only a few seconds!

Shit, but what should i do with my 170 mb file. it's saved as iges and i can't load it with moi know.
but i need it.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6492.7 In reply to 6492.5 
Hi Janne, is it possible for you to zip up your 20MB file and share it with me at moi@moi3d.com with some file sharing service like DropBox, SkyDrive, etc... so I can test with it over here and see what might be going on?

Usually you should only see pretty considerably large files taking that amount of time to open.

Have you recently installed a new virus checker program by any chance?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6492.8 In reply to 6492.6 
Hi Janne, yes IGES files will take a lot longer to process, they only contain individual surfaces and so MoI has to do some more work to join those surfaces together to try and make a solid out of it.

There is also other various overhead in loading an IGES file as compared to a 3DM file, so it's not something you want to use as your primary file format for storing objects, you should only really use IGES for transfer of data between different programs, not as the main storage format. For MoI you should instead use 3DM files as the primary format for your regular saved work.

> but what should i do with my 170 mb file. it's saved as iges and i can't load it with moi know.
> but i need it.

You can try turning off the automatic joining, that may be where things are getting hung up. Especially if there are many different solids with pieces touching each other that can make for quite complex joining operations.

You can turn off automatic joining for IGES imports under Options > Import/Export > IGES options > "Join surfaces on import".

But it's also not that good to have just a huge pile of surfaces - basically by saving only out to IGES format you've kind of lost some amount of information because the IGES file does not have the connection information between surfaces in it anymore. It's really not a good format to use for your main data save because of that, only use it for transfer between programs.

- Michael
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 From:  B-W-Design
Good to knowk about the issues from iges.
Realy i don't know why the hell i used iges to save the file.
Maby i have to wait very very very very Long time to load the file and than save it as 3dm

thanks alot at all.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6492.10 In reply to 6492.9 
Hi Janne, it's probably worth it to try turning off the automatic join on import (uncheck Options > Import/Export > IGES options > "Join surfaces on import") and see if that helps you get the file in more quickly.

Also depending on how the file is structured it may be necessary to turn it off anyway, if for example you have a lot of separate objects that were touching each other originally those may get joined together in bad ways with some unwanted pieces of neighboring parts getting joined together. If that's the case you will need to turn off automatic joining and do a more guided manual joining process of selecting targeted pieces and using Edit > Join after doing the import.

- Michael
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 From:  mjs (MSHIDELER)
6492.11 In reply to 6492.10 
This conversation brings up a question for me.

Michael, what if you happen to receive IGES and you have no control over what that receivable is going to be and someone just man-crushes the IGES.

Are there things that you can do in MoI to get the file to work better, aside from the solutions offered such as mesh and disable auto-join?

Would an export into some other file format out of MoI and then back into MoI help to make an IGES more workable? Or performing various joins after the model is imported and then saving it out as 3dm?

Not that I see IGES much anymore, but in the day that was a common occurrence for me. Perhaps if there is a fix for files like that it could also be macro'd (if import, some commands, export some other format, import again, save final as MoI).

I am only assuming that not much can be done as you got what you got, but I am curious (and a little prayerful) that there is a solution that speeds things up.

Or if someone even knows of a import / export program that can help.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6492.12 In reply to 6492.11 
> Would an export into some other file format out of MoI and then back into MoI help
> to make an IGES more workable? Or performing various joins after the model is imported
> and then saving it out as 3dm?

If you just save the file out to 3DM format, that should then solve the "slow loading" part of the problem, but you still may have other problems to work on after that, like needing to select just specific groups of surfaces and then using Join rather than letting the whole file be processed for joining all together.

Basically you should only use IGES format just for the initial first load of the data into MoI, once you want to continue working on the file don't save it back to IGES format after that, use 3DM format for your in progress stuff.

- Michael
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