flow problem

 From:  mattj (MATTJENN)
Hi Michael

I am having a problem flowing a part onto a curved pane.
I have attached image and file, i would be grateful if you or anyone else could help. As you can see i can get the part to flow onto the corresponding square on the curved wall however the corners don't match up. I have done it surface to surface. Curve to curve didn't work.

Regards matt

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6453.2 In reply to 6453.1 
Hi matt, that skew is happening because of your base plane - the underlying surface of that plane is itself slightly rotated, so the base position of your object is basically slightly rotated. You can see this if you hide your object you want to flow, then select the base plane that's under it and turn on its control points.

It looks like probably your base plane was created by using Construct > Planar - that's a general command that's really for making "trimmed" planes to any kind of set of planar set of curves, like a star, or squiggly lines or whatever, it doesn't do any special alignment of the plane to align the plane's underlying uv orientation if it happens to be making a trimmed plane to a 4 sided boundary.

If you create the base plane using Draw solid > Plane rather than Construct > Planar it should work better for you because then you'll be controlling the plane's uv alignment as well.

So try these steps:

Hide the object you want to flow so you can see your current base plane more easily.

Select the current base plane so it will be easy to delete in a moment.

Now draw a new plane over top of that one using Draw solid > Plane > 3pts, snap the points onto 3 corner points of that existing plane. If you try to use the "corner to corner" plane draw method snapping on there you'll see that you'll get a kind of rotated plane here as well because it will be following that tilted UV layout of that existing plane. So use the "3 points" plane draw method so you can fully specify the directions with 3 picks.

After you have drawn in the new 3 point plane hit delete to get rid of the old base plane which was the source of your problem.

Now do the flow with this new base plane and you should get the proper result this time.

Hope this helps!

- Michael
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 From:  coi (MARCO)
6453.3 In reply to 6453.1 
hi matt

your base surface seems somewhat mangled. i guess, that's the cause of your problems.

..i did a redraw with a 3pt surface..

EDITED: 23 Jan 2014 by MARCO

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6453.4 In reply to 6453.3 
Does exist a cool trick for "flow" this form on some differrent target surfaces in the same time?
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 From:  mattj (MATTJENN)
Thanks for all the help, it work now?
Still learning something everyday with MOI :-)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6453.6 In reply to 6453.4 
Hi Pilou,

> Does exist a cool trick for "flow" this form on some differrent target surfaces in the same time?

No, flow only works from one base surface to one target surface at a time. It would probably be difficult to do multiple surfaces since currently the pick locations for where you click on each surface is significant and controls which corner and side of the base surface is matched to the other.

- Michael
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