need help with my hard-edge-car please!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6449.24 In reply to 6449.23 
Hi mike,

> all told problems occured in this second 3dm-file I have attached.

Ok, but you have 150 objects in that file and it's not even zoomed in to any particular area. I need things narrowed down a whole lot to have much of a chance at following what you're talking about.

I just looked at your last image shot, and I selected the surfaces around one of your indicated areas:

And that seemed to join up for me ok.

I need to get a much more focused and narrowed down example from you in order to help you very much. It's very difficult to help you given only pretty general or vague descriptions and when I can't reproduce the problem over here. Please be much more specific and give a file with _only_ the things related to the specific issue you're asking about, that would help a lot.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6449.25 In reply to 6449.23 
> Good tip btw with Modo and Inventor.
> I always thought, that Polymodels could not be converted into nurbs. Only vise versa.

This used to be true, it's only fairly recently that there are some tools for going in the sub-d to NURBS direction.

> Therefore: If I already have the main body of the car (like in my file) how do I make the bottom of the car as
> one surface so it fits exactly to the wheel arches?

The part that goes up to the wheel arches would be separate surfaces, it's all the coplanar or nearly coplanar fragments all along the very bottom that you'd want to have as one big surface. The basic thing is instead of drawing in every single boundary edge of your object to start with, you want several of the boundaries in your final 3D shapes to be generated as the result of booleans or trims between pieces rather than manually drawn...

Car modeling though is a particularly difficult area and there are areas in it that will force you away from the primarily boolean-driven method that is really where NURBS modeling is strongest in and easier to use.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6449.26 In reply to 6449.25 
Basically NURBS modeling works really well when you are driving much of the design from 2D profile curves, using some of those curves to generate large extended shapes and then using other 2D curves or other generated solids to cut pieces away.

The less that you are able to do things along that pattern, the more difficult things will be and the more things tend to become more suitable for sub-d modeling 3D cage driven workflow rather than 2D profile curve driven workflow...

- Michael
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 From:  mike (MIOHN)
6449.27 In reply to 6449.26 
Yes, this is exactly what I have to learn.

I know, its impossible to help me out here with my spare comments.
I for myself cannot reproduce the stages, where I had those problems, but
as you said, I have to think different here (larger shapes and cutting/trimming away)

thanks very much for your support!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6449.28 In reply to 6449.27 
Hi mike, yeah focusing on using cutting operations as a main way of working is usually a big adjustment for people coming from a sub-d modeling background.

Check out here for some links to discussions and general tips for people who are coming from a sub-d / poly modeling background:

- Michael
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