[script] FxGraph - 2D/3D Function plotter
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 From:  bemfarmer
6447.64 In reply to 6447.60 
One more thought, is your setting in moi.ini "DisableFileCaching=y" ?
- Brian
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
6447.65 In reply to 6447.63 
Al I'm going to! Really!
I've already found 'Project Elephant's UNOFFICIAL Repository' and will dive right in
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
6447.66 In reply to 6447.64 
Just checked, Brian, and the answer is no.
I have: DisableFileCaching=n
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 From:  bemfarmer
6447.67 In reply to 6447.66 
So modification of a .js script which has just been run in MoI, is not recognized until MoI is restarted.
(A more or less answer?)
- Brian
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
6447.68 In reply to 6447.63 
OK, Al, I've dived in.
As you wrote, the Basic Parametric Moebius.nod is wonderfully interactive. Most impressive.
However understanding how the nod was created is quite another story.
I'll read the Wiki.
Any other resources that you can recommend for a raw beginner?

EDITED: 6 Aug 2017 by MGG942

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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
6447.69 In reply to 6447.68 
Hi Mike

The recommendations for a newbie are as follows:
Knowing theNode, and getting in touch with them,
Understand what inputs are accepted and output results, etc .etc.
See if similarities with other modelers
Nodal- (Grasshopper for Rhino ), (Dynamo for Autocad)
for instance
Use the files that have been posted to the Forum
By me, by James, by Karsten etc etc
To understand the various steps and the results obtained

Lastly, persevere without being discouraged and beginning to think
to parametric modeling, planning the various phases
to reach the target...
My goal is "less it's more" but believe me not always and easy
Good depth
We'll talk with all , after the holidays..........
Greetings to you and all the friends of Forun
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
6447.70 In reply to 6447.63 
Al, Thank you for getting me started with Elephant.

I've been studying your Basic Parametric Moebius.nod and finding it difficult to understand how it could produce a solid Moebius strip when my many attempts to do so (outside of Elephant) have failed when using Loft to make the complete strip in one go.

Eventually - it took a while - I realised that your node is not producing a solid Moebius strip - with only one surface - but a strip with two surfaces. See below.
Did you also do the moebius.nod? No problem with the strips in that however I've temporarily given up trying to fully understand the nod - it's too complex for me at the moment.

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)

Just stumbled over this information ...


... which may be of interest for marh magician Brian ..
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 From:  speedy (AL2000)
6447.72 In reply to 6447.70 
Hi Mike
By reading your observations, I have checked again
the file I sent, actually something is wrong,
the profiles, which are dorsal oriented that determine the volume
are badly oriented and thus produce a final screwing,
I've reviewed the file that you find at this link:
I also added some pictures that will make you better
the question...
In the end however, as you see the result is a solid one
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 From:  bemfarmer
_FxGraph3D u;v;u*v;-1;1;-1;1;50;50;0;0;0;UV

_FxGraph3D a*(u+v);b*(u-v);u*v;-1;1;-1;1;50;50;1.618;1;0;UV

_FxGraph3D (u);(v);c*((u*u)/(a*a) - (v*v)/(b*b));-1;1;-1;1;50;50;1.618;1;1;UV

_FxGraph3D (u);(v)/(sqrt(1+a*a*u*u));v*a*u/(sqrt(1+a*a*u*u));-1;1;-1;1;50;50;1;1;1;UV
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 From:  bemfarmer

_FxGraph3D cos(2*u);cos(3*u + PI/4);cos(2*u + PI/2)+cos(u + PI/6);0;6.283185;0;0;200;0;1;0;1;UV

Note, there is a small space in the unclosed curve, locate-able by _MarkOpenCurveStart, or MarkCurveStart, or MarkCurveEnd script.
Trimming the curve with a point at say (0,-1,z), and blending the gap, will make a closed curve.

- Brian

EDITED: 17 Sep 2017 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  bemfarmer
Bohemian Stars (Torolf/jotero):
_FxGraph3D cos(a*u)*cos(v) + b *cos(u);sin(v);-sin(a*u)*cos(v) + b*sin(u);0;6.283185;0;6.283185;100;10;1.5;1.1;0;SrfU

This is one version. Parameters "a" and "b" make a big difference.

- Brian
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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
6447.76 In reply to 6447.75 
Brian - fascinating.
The fine adjustment now available on the slider node made me wonder whether a nod for this would help to explore the effects of changes to a and b.
BTW with the example shown below I made into a solid via extrusion of 0.1mm.

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 From:  bemfarmer
6447.77 In reply to 6447.76 
Impressive node, Mike.

I may try a 2d slider for a and b.
Got to do a Mod version of Max's release .94...
Just copied the extension directory of Mod version to Max's release 0.94, nodes directory.
Mouse wheel works on sliders & knobs.

- Brian

EDITED: 18 Sep 2017 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Mike (MGG942)
6447.78 In reply to 6447.77 
Ah, yes, that new feature in 0.94 plus the later interface.js (see 7713.620) was what inspired me.

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 From:  bemfarmer
Viviani's curve:

_FxGraph3D a*(1+cos(v));a*(sin(v));2*a*(sin(0.5*v));0;1;-6.2831853;6.2831853;0;200;0.5;0;0;UV

I plan to do a sphere sweep on this curve.

- Brian
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
Doe this work with V.4.0?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6447.81 In reply to 6447.80 
Normally yes! ;) (tested)
And bravo to Max Smirnov for this true gem!

Fermat Spiral in the V4 with extrude to point + a little sphere! ;)
So yes all is working like a charm!

You can see at my little site https://moiscript.weebly.com/fx-graph-3d.html

EDITED: 2 Jan 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
6447.82 In reply to 6447.81 
I feel like this website has changed a bit! "http://moi.maxsm.net/"
Those days when I did only had accesses to trial versions of Moi3D I could see the instructions on how you could activate FxGraph.
I cannot find it now! Also there were a place I could see different versions of Max's scripts now I cannot find those!

is v.1.1.2016.04.17 the latest version of FxGraph?

I need a little help to get it up and running cause I forgot how it was done!

I'd be happy if you help me :-)
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 From:  bemfarmer
6447.83 In reply to 6447.82 
Hi Psygorn,

That is the latest version of FxGraph3D, as far as I know.
(Except that the nodeeditor program MathPts performs more or less the same as FxGraph3D. Inputs a,b,c,d can be added.)

The two files FxGraph3D.exe and the .htm file, (I use _FxGraph3D.js and _FxGraph3D.htm), can be placed in the MoI command folder, OR (for myself) it goes in %APPDATA% \commands folder with all of my other "non_stock" MoI programs, (excepting nodeeditor node programs.). (CustomUI can access the program.) (Or Shortcut key)

Parameters for FxGraph3D can be added manually,
or else a string of values matching the manual entries can be (Tab) copy pasted from say a text editor, into the command window, enter.
Or see Michael's and Burr's method earlier in this thread.

Edit: Added 3D suffix.

- Brian


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