Hi Metin, I never really expected to get a negative impression just by not updating the copyright notice on the web site! ;)
Don't worry though - that isn't a sign that MoI as a whole project is neglected, yes the web site is neglected but that's purely because I put so much work into the software itself and also into answering things here in the forum. You should be able to easily see daily activity in the forum stretching back for years...
Once the V3 final release is out I will probably focus some attention on the web site for a little bit, and I'll try to remember to update the copyright notice at that time as well.
Also as others mentioned, actually the last beta release note posted here on the forum is from the Nov-19-2013 version, just a week old, you can't get any more current than that! :) You were probably looking at the wiki which I have been lax in keeping up to date, sorry about that.
> I don't want to invest in a slowly dying side-project of Rhinoceros development, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, I work on it all day every day, I answer questions here every day in the forum, and I just released a new v3 beta version one week ago... I'm not sure how it's possible to be more active than that...
> But maybe those options are present in MOI but I just don't know the right tools yet?
No these particular features are not available in MoI currently. They are things that I'd like to add in the future but I'm not sure exactly when that will happen. For now if those features are important to your workflow you would need to use 123D Design along with MoI to get that stuff.
- Michael