V3 beta Nov-19-2013 available now
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 From:  BurrMan
6297.12 In reply to 6297.11 
Nice release Michael. The make2d and duplicate removal are very slick!

Is there any control over the scaling of the make2d? I generate a large scale 2d lines set off to the side, and was wondering what is in control of that, or the method.

Thanks again for some great work....
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
6297.13 In reply to 6297.11 
Hi Michael,

The copyToClipboardPDF() was working ok for others previously, do you mean that the PDF version did not work for you before?

Correct, I was never able to copy anything from Moi to Illustrator using the clipboard neither in AI nor PDF format.

So after switching to using 'AICB' instead over here that fixed it up when I tested it previously.

But there's still a difference: the clipboard viewer shows "com.adobe.illustrator.aicb" after using moi.geometryDatabase.copyToClipboardAI(); and the successful Photoshop to AI copy uses in particular 'AICB' (CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x41494342). I'm afraid that CS3 is buggy in this regard since it's not even possible to copy from InDesign to Illustrator.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6297.14 In reply to 6297.11 
Hi Martin,

> Yup, that's what the fix involved, in the previous beta I had tried using com.adobe.illustrator.ai-image as
> the clipboard flavor and that didn't work. So after switching to using 'AICB' instead over here that fixed
> it up when I tested it previously. I'll take another look.

Actually what I switched it to was com.adobe.illustrator.aicb which is what CS6 seemed to use. Maybe older Illustrator versions need something slightly different to work.

I just tested again with CS6 over here and it moi.geometryDatabase.copyToClipboardAI() seems to be working ok for going into CS6.

I'll see if I can use the old style 'AICB' flavor instead to hopefully increase compatibility with versions older than CS6.

PDF copy/paste should be working though.

EDIT: wrote this before seeing your last message above.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6297.15 In reply to 6297.13 
Hi Martin,

> Correct, I was never able to copy anything from Moi to Illustrator using the clipboard neither in AI nor PDF format.

Hmmm, over here it works ok with both AI and PDF formats going into Illustrator CS6. On the previous beta only PDF worked.

> But there's still a difference: the clipboard viewer shows "com.adobe.illustrator.aicb" after
> using moi.geometryDatabase.copyToClipboardAI(); and the successful Photoshop to AI copy
> uses in particular 'AICB' (CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x41494342).

Yeah sorry the first thing I wrote was not correct, the current beta has it switched to a type of "com.adobe.illustrator.aicb" which is what seemed to work with CS6.

> I'm afraid that CS3 is buggy in this regard since it's not even possible to copy from InDesign to Illustrator.

Seems like it could be a problem with CS3 itself...

But I'll see if I can switch over to using the old style 4-character 'AICB' identifier if that still works ok with CS6, and maybe that will increase compatibility with older versions.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6297.16 In reply to 6297.12 
Hi Burr,

> Is there any control over the scaling of the make2d? I generate a large scale 2d lines set off to the
> side, and was wondering what is in control of that, or the method.

It's different depending on whether you're generating stuff from a perspective viewport or not.

If you do a non-perspective view, you should get the same scale as your original objects. With perspective there isn't really any fixed scale for object space to screen space and for that one it currently just generates the same units as it would for export to PDF format, which means fit to a 576 by 768 unit box (that's a letter page size in points units).

- Michael
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 From:  blowlamp
6297.17 In reply to 6297.9 
Hi, Michael.

That's all OK again - I was saving some surfaces in the file too and so the option didn't show up.

Thanks for your help.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6297.18 In reply to 6297.13 
Hi Martin (MARTIN3D) - re: copy/paste into Illustrator CS3 on OSX - it seems that I can't just use the old style 'AICB' clipboard identifier all the time because when that's used it then no longer works with CS6.

What I can probably do though is make the copyToClipboardAI() function take an optional parameter that will then make it use that older style clipboard format identifier, that may then get compatibility with older Illustrator versions.

Can you please send me an e-mail at moi@moi3d.com so I can send you a test version with that set up to see if that will solve the problem?

Thanks - Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
6297.19 In reply to 6297.16 
"""""which means fit to a 576 by 768 unit box (that's a letter page size in points units).""""""""""""""

That's the ticket.... Thanks.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6297.20 In reply to 6297.19 
Hi Burr, no problem - yeah after you do a Make2D of something perspective if you then draw a 576 by 768 rectangle, the curves will be centered in that. They'll be arranged in the same aspect ratio as the 3D viewport used to generate them.

- Michael
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 From:  milkywaif

I can't find in release notes but there was this small bug in previous versions when you open a file which was saved in maximized view (top, front, 3d, etc,...) screen was flickering (MoI was trying to switch between split and maximized viewports every time when you move your mouse) To fix this, every time I had to change viewport back to split after I've opened those files.
Right now I can't replicate this issue any more. It seems to be disappeared in Nov-19 beta.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6297.22 In reply to 6297.21 
Hi milkywaif,

> Right now I can't replicate this issue any more. It seems to be disappeared in Nov-19 beta.

Hmmm, this may just be a chance thing or maybe due to some other factor. Did you possibly update your video driver recently or switch off transparency for the Windows desktop theme or anything like that? Because as far as I know I haven't done anything in particular to solve this myself...

I've heard of this problem before from just a couple of people but I don't understand what would cause it, possibly some kind of video driver bug. I've never seen it myself.

- Michael
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 From:  milkywaif
6297.23 In reply to 6297.22 
> Hmmm, this may just be a chance thing or maybe due to some other factor. Did you possibly update your video driver recently or switch off transparency for the Windows desktop theme or anything like that? Because as far as I know I haven't done anything in particular to solve this myself...

No... Neither I recently updated my video card driver nor changed any windows transparency settings.

I downloaded and installed v2 to see if I can reproduce this again. And yes, I did reproduce this bug easily with v2.
I captured a video. Please check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFCwsElV96U

In this video I merely open the file. I did not click anywhere when flickering happened, only moved my mouse around.
This used to happen all the time until v3 nov-19 beta.

Now I uninstalled v2 and reinstalled v3 nov-19 beta. Double clicked the same file. Flickering did not happen!

I'm on a windows system but maybe this was fixed unintentionally with this fix??? -> " Fixed a bug on OSX where window resizing behaved strangely on Retina displays."
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 From:  Colin
Hi Michael & milkywaif,

I can confirm those same flickering issues & had them for some time.
Hadn't reported it as I'd put it down to just being something oddball with my old machine/components/system/display?

W7 x64 (latest updates installed)
Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT (latest drivers installed)

regards Colin
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 From:  BurrMan
6297.25 In reply to 6297.24 
The old V2 was still using the mshtml and you'll want to consider the IE version you have and also the windows updates.

Moving to V3 will eliminate that.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6297.26 In reply to 6297.23 
Hi milkywaif,

> but maybe this was fixed unintentionally with this fix??? -> " Fixed a bug on OSX where window
> resizing behaved strangely on Retina displays."

Nope, couldn't have been that particular change - that one was a change in OSX-only code...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6297.27 In reply to 6297.24 
Hi Colin,

> I can confirm those same flickering issues & had them for some time.

Did they also go away for you with this latest Nov-19 beta or is it still present?

- Michael
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 From:  Colin
6297.28 In reply to 6297.27 
Hi Michael,

The flicker is still there with the latest Nov-19 beta.

Note that the flicker appears only when opening a previously saved model.
It appears to only happen if I've saved & closed the session with a single View on closing, not when "Split".
Just to confirm, if Split is selected prior to closing & saved, reopening the same model will NOT have the flicker.

HTH, Colin
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 From:  milkywaif

I was wrong, this issue is not fixed in nov19 beta at all. Fortunately I've managed to isolate the problem. I can totally confirm something in SidePane.htm is causing the flickering. Couple of days ago I've done some modifications to SidePane.htm and that's why my flickering issue was resolved! New beta was out that time, so I suspected you fixed it. I still can't figure out which particular line causes the flickering though.

EDITED: 28 Nov 2013 by MILKYWAIF

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6297.30 In reply to 6297.29 
Hi milkwaif, possibly something in your edited SidePane.htm causes the width of the side pane to change a little which in turn triggers a resize of the viewport area. That then triggers viewports getting arranged and probably solves the problem.

One question about the flickering - when it does happen if you then switch to split view to get rid of it, does it ever happen again within that same session like if you open the same file up again using File > Open this time instead of double-clicking it in Explorer?

- Michael
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 From:  milkywaif
6297.31 In reply to 6297.30 
> One question about the flickering - when it does happen if you then switch to split view to get rid of it, does it ever happen again within that same session like if you open the same file up again using File > Open this time instead of double-clicking it in Explorer?

It never happens again in same session after you get rid of it by clicking split view.

It only happens when these two conditions are met together;

1) double click open a file "which was saved not in split viewport"
2) MoI window is not maximized.

This is probably why only few people experienced it.

More specifically;

It does not happen if "MoI window is maximized or fullscreen" and "you double click to open the file"
It does not happen if "MoI window is maximized or fullscreen" and "you open the file through file/open"
It does not happen if "MoI window is NOT maximized or fullscreen" and "you open the file through file/open"
It happens if "MoI window is NOT maximized or fullscreen" and "you double click to open the file"
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