Jagged Edges on Large Objects
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 From:  milkywaif
6293.6 In reply to 6293.4 
> It's unfortunately not very feasible to try and get pixel perfect results in the MoI viewport window because it's very focused on trying to show things quickly. Trying to clear this particular artifact up would involve doing more work right during the middle of the display calculation.

When I boolean>union two objects, artifact is gone. So does that mean largest object has some kind of accurate drawing priority over smaller objects in the scene?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6293.7 In reply to 6293.6 
Hi milkywaif, the zbias amount (amount of pull forward), is set on an individual object basis based on its bounding box size. So the small object has a smaller zbias pull associated with it, once it's booleaned those edges will then use the zbias amount based on the bounding box of the whole large object.

In your particular case there it needs a higher amount of zbias for the display artifact to go away. But unfortunately just increasing zbias up for everything instead causes a different artifact where stuff that's supposed to be hidden will bleed through.

- Michael
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