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 From:  milkywaif
6265.14 In reply to 6265.12 

> I'm not really sure _why_ you would have this situation of having curves that you were worried about being circular or not, are you doing some kind of reverse engineering task where you're trying to rebuild things from scanned data or something similar to that?

Not really. I'm building my models from scratch. I'm a long time polygon/subd modeler but I have absolutely no experience in NURBS modeling. I tried almost all of NURBS modeling software out there and decided to purchase MoI because it's very simple, yet powerful and user friendly. I'm trying to understand the logic between the tools and output geometry. As I mentioned earlier, I had some problems with my previous NURBS models. They had broken edges, distorted looking faces, bad fillets or sometimes they did not export correctly and I couldn't fix them easily. I believe it's because I used wrong choice of tools at some point. You know, sometimes you can do loft, revolve or sweep and you get the same looking result. I just want to know that I'm using the right tool when I need.

Thank you very much for your responses. You've been a great help.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6265.15 In reply to 6265.14 
Hi milkywaif, you're welcome!

Also check out here for some links to discussions and general tips for people who are coming from a sub-d / poly modeling background:

The overall method of construction with NURBS modeling is fairly different than poly modeling, and some of those discussions are about the differences and how to sort of avoid trying to only do poly modeling type techniques in MoI.

I hope that MoI will be useful for you!

- Michael
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