Wing fuselage blend yields pinch
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6262.14 In reply to 6262.13 
Hi samuraijkm, the sharp crease in your fuselage body will prevent things from getting a good blend in there - usually to get a nice blend surface the things you're blending between should be smooth. In your case there is a sharp corner in part of the blend area here:

I'd recommend getting that fuselage smooth first - with it sharply creased like that basically the blend will be trying to adapt to 2 totally different surface normals at the crease spot, that means that the blend will be separated into 2 different blends that have different shapes in that spot rather than being able to be just one single smooth blend surface.

One quick way you can try to smooth out your fuselage is to select the crease edge and put a Fillet on it.

If you want to keep the fuselage with a sharp crease on it, then instead of using Blend you'd probably want to run the wing directly through the fuselage and then boolean them together and try to use a Fillet to round out the juncture rather than doing Blend. Blend only tries to build one single big smooth juncture piece, while edge filleting can do things with sharp juncture areas by putting in smaller corner patches in between different fillet segments. So usually for things with sharpness to them it would be filleting that you'd use and not Blend.

- Michael

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
Trim this way and you will solve all your problems..

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