Hi Jason - the twist option for sweep controls which automatic method will be used for how the profile rotates as it travels along the rail path.
The Twist = "freeform" method makes the profile do a gradual rotation as the path does any banking in 3D - it tends to be good for curves that may be traveling around in numerous directions.
The Twist = "flat" method restricts the profiles to only rotate around one axis direction, this can be useful for certain kinds of constrained shapes where you do not want any "banking" in the profile as it travels along a path.
But in either case the twist option controls an automatic method for how to determine how the profile rotates around the curve tangent as it steps along the path, it does not take in any additional specified rotation factor for making a custom twist.
That might be something that I can add in a future version of Sweep, but for now to make stuff like that it's easiest to use a combination of Twist + Flow in v3 instead of sweep.
- Michael