Hidden line removal progress
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
6201.70 In reply to 6201.68 
Separate out:
[ ] Silhouettes : [ ] to layer: [ ] line weight:
[ ] Outlines : [ ] to layer: [ ] line weight:
[ ] Hidden lines : [ ] to layer: [ ] line weight:

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.71 In reply to 6201.67 
Hi Matt,

> However, different subassemblies/groups/items within the model on
> different layers would be useful to me. . .

Yeah this would be I'd think the default behavior of generating layer output based on style assignments in MoI.

If I understand what you would need correctly, being able to assign pretty much any unique property like a certain color or line width to a particular kind of edge would then let you target those ok while still keeping layers separate, is that right?

And I think some people would prefer to have those things go to their own layer so it would be good to have an option for that I think.

I'm not exactly a huge fan of copious complex options on things but I think in this case different people will want to have different kinds of organizations.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
So Moi becomes more a prog of presentation than a modeler tool ? ;)
Dimensions are also very asked! :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.73 In reply to 6201.72 
Hi Pilou,

> So Moi becomes more a prog of presentation than a modeler tool ? ;)

It's just another way to be able to make good use of your models!

Certain kinds of 2D drawings are actually quicker to create by 3D model construction, this should help with things like that.

It is also a kind of long term goal for MoI to incorporate some kinds of "design communication" tools as well in addition to being able to create it in the first place.

> Dimensions are also very asked! :)

Yup, I do want to add those in eventually as well. But the hidden line drawing generation itself takes priority, because dimensions without hidden lines are not very useful, but if you can generate a hidden line drawing there are quite a few different 2D CAD programs out there that should work pretty well for putting dimensions on a DXF drawing.

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
6201.74 In reply to 6201.73 
Dimensions would be the holy grail for me

Because for now I need to export everything to Rhino (which is running on a PC far from where I am in the agency)

So when you have 35 different models to put dimensions on and when every single one get multiple modifications asked by the client...

You start to pull your hair out haha
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6201.75 In reply to 6201.74 
Dimensions and comunication design tools are far more important - in my opinion concerning the impact it could have on my workflow - than line weights / line styles, overkill export options and rendered background image.
Have ViaCAD and i open it once or twice.
Naturaly other workflows have other needs and prioritys.
Hoping for 2D comunication tools in Moi3D 'style': Simple and efective.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.76 In reply to 6201.74 
Hi DesuDeus,

> Because for now I need to export everything to Rhino (which is running on a PC far from where I am in the agency)

You're on a Mac, right? Why not use the Rhino Mac beta and just put that on your same machine?

- Michael
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 From:  OSTexo

I'm very happy just to get hidden line removal, if you don't have something like ISODraw you can create some slick illustrations with clean export, AI and some Astute Graphics plugins, particularly WidthScribe. If you aren't too concerned with widths CorelDraw also works great.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6201.78 In reply to 6201.77 
And works very well with the astonished free

Expression 3 (creatures houses expresson) multilanguages

XARA Xtrem 5
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
6201.79 In reply to 6201.77 
>I'm very happy just to get hidden line removal

Me too!
But it would also be a huge help if I don't have to manually pick a lot of silhouette lines to generate a 2-line-weight illustration. Even more when it's not that hard to program. Michael asked questions specifically about it. So he sees a need for it. I'm confidend he will keep MoI simple. I'm currently using C4Ds Sketch & Toon. It's slow, complex and it's not vector. If I can do it with MoI and Illustrator...

>overkill export options

I agree it's overkill to set line weights on export. It's easy enough to do in Illustrator.
So something like this would be sufficient:

Separate out:
[ ] Silhouettes : [ ] to layer
[ ] Outlines : [ ] to layer
[ ] Hidden lines : [ ] to layer

or even simpler

Separate out:
[ ] Silhouettes
[ ] Outlines : [ ] to layer
[ ] Hidden lines

Just give Silhouettes and Outlines a thicker outline please so there is an instant impression.
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I see Dimensions and 2D comunication tools in same way i love Moi3D's Polygon Mesher.
The Mesher is amazing and it is easy com 'comunicate' with polygon software or render engines.
The Dimensions and 2D comunication tools is the way we comunicate with clients and suppliers.
This are 2 ways to get work done OUT of Moi3D, without both Moi3D is an island.
Hope my POV is clear as my english sucks.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.81 In reply to 6201.80 
Hi Carlos, I do eventually expect to have dimensions in MoI too, but I can't implement everything all at the same time...

There are a lot of various 2D CAD programs that can be used to put dimensions on a DXF file and print it out, so that's just a lower "pain point" right now than generating the 2D drawing in the first place. That's why the hidden line generation is an important step - it will help make it easier to have a dimensioned drawing produced since you'll be able to get a 2D drawing to mark up, and it should also help out a lot of people doing illustration type work as well.

Anyway, that's the reasoning behind having drawing generation first before implementing dimensions. I'm sorry if that prioritization does not match what you in particular need the most. Unfortunately it's not possible for me to match every single person's priorities all at the same time.

But just in general having hidden line drawing generation should be an important part of the 2D communication area.

- Michael
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Hello Michael,
I understand what your are saying and i agree with all.
Naturally i respect your decisions and the path you choose. You know what is easy/fast to implement and what isn't.
Also you know what is best for Moi3D future, based on client's feedback.
I just wanted to share my opinion that the last requests/opinions were more detail focus side on not base feature.
MOi3D's 2D tools are quite important for my workflow, and it was a subject to jump in.
I'm quite happy with hidden line removal, it will help me a lot. Thanks for that.
Sorry if it sound dry or not respectfull. My english/words doesn't sound the way i whish/aim for.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.83 In reply to 6201.82 
No problem Carlos!

- Michael
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 From:  trc (TERRYC)
6201.84 In reply to 6201.81 
I too would REALLY like to be able to dimension within MOI but I have to admit that your approach will most likely result in a superior implementation when you do get around to it. In the mean time having the enhanced export/visualization capability will be much appreciated. Thanks for taking a logical approach and for your efforts in general. It's looking good.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
Made some progress on outlines - check out the attached PDF.

In Adobe Reader you can open up the Layers panel on the left and turn the different sections on/off.

Screenshot from Adobe Reader:

- Michael

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 From:  wastzzz
6201.86 In reply to 6201.85 
Just beautiful!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
This is not a 3D PDF with rotation in 3D space ?

Seems there is a little quirk! ;) (tested on Adobe Reader 8 )
who seems not exist on your image!

EDITED: 10 Oct 2013 by PILOU

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 From:  bemfarmer
Working great with Adobe Reader XI, Version 11.0.5 !
This hidden line removal should work well for a concord coach 3D model.

- Brian
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
6201.89 In reply to 6201.85 
Great work, layered object is a major bonus!
Ive notice there is also an alpha black and white image in the pdf file.

"""""""""""""""Seems there is a little quirk! ;) (tested on Adobe Reader 8 )"""""""""""""""""""""

That's because of the "Miter join" line property.
It doesn't show in all pdf readers though.

"Round join" wouldn't produce this type of kink.

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