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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.203 In reply to 6201.201 
Hi Marc,

> Too me it looks great, maybe a resolution indicator in gray text next to the megapixel
> input box could be handy.
> I'm not used to size things in megapixels and seeing the resolution would help to figure out, for example if I
> need something around 2500px wide for a letter size image @300dpi.

The way it works is the actual specific image resolution is fit to go around the objects being exported, so for example if you have a set of objects that are wide horizontally you'll get a wide image too.

So the specific pixel dimensions are not fixed, it will vary depending on what's actually being exported.

- Michael
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Hi Michael,

Any chance of getting 4 tick boxes for each Projecton Views, and export all ticked at the same time, with the same scale, appending one sufix on each file like FileName-FRONT, FileName-3D, and so on?

Otherwise have to export 4 times the very same file. Its doable, or does it make sense to you?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.205 In reply to 6201.204 
Hi Carlos, right now I just don't have things set up to export multiple views like that, I think I'm going to focus for the first release of this just on getting one single view at a time and try to make sure that's working ok to begin with.

Then in the future maybe I could add in a option for "All" under the "Projection view" option that would then put in 4 views into the same file... Is it important to you for the views to remain in separate files rather than arranged in a grid on one single page?

- Michael
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Hi Michael,

4 Views in the same file is even better, actually with 4 separate Files/Views i'll end up gathering the 4 in 1 file/drawing.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.207 In reply to 6201.206 
Hi Carlos, one other question - with 4 views in the same file do you expect the page to be oriented as "landscape" type mode or still "portrait" type display mode?

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
6201.208 In reply to 6201.203 
""""""""""""""""""""''The way it works is the actual specific image resolution is fit to go around the objects being exported""""""""""""""""""

Hi Michael,

That's how I understood it, the numbers displayed would be that custom resolution.
It's not worth the trouble if it's too complicated, I'm sure I will quickly get used to estimate resolutions in that fashion.

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Landscape, please ; )
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.210 In reply to 6201.208 
Hi Marc,

> That's how I understood it, the numbers displayed would be that custom resolution.

Yeah unfortunately it's not currently easy for the dialog code to know that resolution at the point that the dialog will be displayed, it's something that's calculated by the hidden line removal engine after it receives those parameters to use...

It could be possible to recode that, but it can be somewhat inconvenient in general for UI code to interact back and forth with low level engine code.

That same resolution will control not only the shaded image resolution, but also the resolution of the depth map that's used for hidden/visible determination. So if you are getting some smaller size details not coming through that will be a parameter you can increase to make the depth map more fine grained too.

- Michael
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 From:  mattj (MATTJENN)
hi michael

What you suggested with setting the units to say .2 is perfect - didn't think it would work like that! Thats why you're the programmer and I'm the illustrator ;-)
Great work, can't wait to give it a test drive - I have lots of big STEP files waiting.

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 From:  wastzzz
Will the dxf export support layers in the next beta?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.213 In reply to 6201.212 
Hi Max,

> Will the dxf export support layers in the next beta?

It's on my list of things I'd like to get done with this hidden line removal work but I have not got to the DXF part of the work quite yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.214 In reply to 6201.212 
Hi Max, also I'm not really sure if the DXF export should have all these exact same options as the AI/PDF export like for generating outlines and silhouettes in addition to just hidden/visible lines.

For one thing I'm not sure if I'll be able to put in an embedded bitmap in the DXF file like I can for AI and PDF files.

So the DXF export may be a bit more simplified, with just options for whether to generate hidden lines or not.

- Michael
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 From:  wastzzz
6201.215 In reply to 6201.213 
Please, I really need the DXF format to export layers (styles).
Because: if I export MoI > AI it has layers, then ok, I convert from AI > DXF\DWG, and import into AutoCAD. The imported drawing is not precise. It has slightly overlapping lines and makes it impossible to hatch.
If I export MoI > DXF and import in AutoCAD, the lines are perfect. But no layers. :(
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 From:  bemfarmer

EDITED: 30 Oct 2013 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
6201.217 In reply to 6201.215 
Hi, wouldn't it be easy to select by linetype in Autocad with quick select?
You could then assign your selection to another layer.

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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
If you are on a mac a free alternative (for the moment) is exporting from rhino. Thats what I do, but the direct MoI to AutoCAD workflow is ideal.
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 From:  wastzzz
6201.219 In reply to 6201.218 
Also because I need a dxf output with the upcoming hidden line feature.. And layers
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.220 In reply to 6201.1 
Ok, this is getting pretty close to being finished up... I think that probably tomorrow I'll have the hidden line removal stuff wrapped up and then I have a short list of some other things to look at and then I'll be ready for a new beta. So not too much longer.

- Michael
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
6201.221 In reply to 6201.220 
:) :) :) :)

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 From:  BurrMan
6201.222 In reply to 6201.221 
"Australia steps to the line.... Their looking pretty fit and chipper today Al"......America has not been a contender for some time now...... The French have a good shot at it this release.... I'm on pins and needles..... The edge of my seat.... Loosing hair as we speak... This is as good as it gets....... You were born to be modelers. This is YOUR time......
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