Hi Burrman,
Yes, you are correct, Moi3D mesher is amazing, and complements very well Moi3D's efficiency and simplicity with nurbs.
Usually i take that extra step to apply materiails and textures, even knowing that PDF materials and looks are quite simple/poor. But yes, you're right, will do that, thanks.
Hi Michael,
> How would you expect to see the result of a 5x5 meter square when opened in AI at 1:1 scale?
I expect a 5x5 meter square on 5779,55 x 5779,55 milimeter document (biggest AI_CC document possible).
> AI normally works on a sheet of printed paper...
Please, lets 'forget' the printing stage for a minute, and just focus on dimensioning stage on an outside application. Printing is final stage, on a small Letter desktop printer, a 5 meter large digital printer, a 3x2 meter laser cutter, and so on.
The process of this dimension tool work is - on a 1 meter line - just click the first vertice and click again on the last vertice. The tool will pop up Dimensions Lines and a small text saying '1 meter'.
> ... CadTools instead of telling it the scale factor ...
Its the user who tells/choose on what scale CadTool should work, and not the opposite. The user need to know it beforehand to dimension it accuretly.