Hidden line removal progress
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.133 In reply to 6201.132 
Hi ed, - if you want to get the hidden line curves back into MoI you can just open or import the PDF, AI, or DXF file that was just written...

What is it that you would be trying to do by generating the hidden line curves only inside of MoI instead of as an export?

I guess it could be possible to add in a "Make2D" like command for generating hidden lines but it would help if I knew why you wanted to do that.

In Rhino you have to do it because there isn't any way to otherwise make a hidden line view for exporting, unless things have changed a lot. It's a pretty clumsy workflow though, you do Make2D and now you have a bunch of curves sitting inside the same model as your original objects, then if you want to do something with them you have to try to hide the original objects and keep the 2D objects separate from them somehow.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Ok, I think I've got the silhouette extraction working. This is for the Isodraw-ish type stuff, anyone interested in that might want to look at the PDF attached below to see if that's doing the right thing.

I thought I'd better make these as another layer of edges that sit on top of the regular ones, rather than trying to make edges kind of alternate between thick and thin on the fly. With them layered on top it will probably be easier to do touchups by erasing the thick ones and then still having the regular ones underneath.

In Adobe Reader you can use the Layers left-side pane to turn on/off different sections, this one has the background bitmap, regular lines, then silhouette lines.

It looks like this:

- Michael

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 From:  TpwUK
I have been watching this thread with interest but keeping quiet, but as the thread and techniques have progressed I now feel like I have to pass an opinion and ask a question. The opinion I have is, those first two images output and posted by Michael to me looked the best, so this leads then to the question, can we still have that simple output method ?

Martin Spencer-Ford
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
6201.136 In reply to 6201.134 
>Ok, I think I've got the silhouette extraction working.

Michael, you have indeed! Congratulations this is fabulous looking. You even generate this "overshoot" on hole silhouette edges. Wonderful! I used to draw outlines only but now that I - because of you - actually understand how silhouette lines work I'll never look back.

Can we have an AI file?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.137 In reply to 6201.135 
Hi Martin (Spencer-Ford),

> so this leads then to the question, can we still have that simple output method ?

Yup, these other things like outlines and accented silhouettes will be optional things that you can turn on by clicking some checkboxes. If you don't want them just don't enable them.

I'm not 100% sure yet what the initial default will be, maybe like the original ones I posted but maybe with outlines enabled too. But that will just be the default, if you don't want one of these variations you'll be able to just uncheck the option for making that style.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.138 In reply to 6201.136 
Hi Martin (Martin3D),

> Can we have an AI file?

Here's one attached.

- Michael

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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
6201.139 In reply to 6201.138 
Wonderful Michael,

that's what I call a clean output. Here's a more common 3:1 ratio between silhouettes and default lines. I've noticed you used a 10:1 ratio.

EDITED: 13 Oct 2013 by MARTIN3D


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 From:  wastzzz
6201.140 In reply to 6201.139 
3:1 I love it
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
6201.141 In reply to 6201.139 
Here's the one for Martin Spencer-Ford:
Looks also very good.


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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
6201.142 In reply to 6201.141 
The last one I promise (I can't help but I'm too excited :)

Reduced background opacity and 75% black silhouette:

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 From:  bemfarmer
Just opinions:
With regard to printed output, with a 5 year old Brother MFC laser printer, Michael's test_silhouette.pdf is superb,
(although it looks a little too "harsh" or "sharp" on my samsung monitor, in my opinion.) I gather it is "10X?

I think the "3X" 3x silhouettes.png of Martin look good (better) on the monitor, but the printout is not so good, the lines are printed
jagged. One of the vertical lines is partly light blue on the monitor, for the latter two png of Martin.

- Brian

Edit: I see that Michael's pdf had about ten times the resolution...
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
6201.144 In reply to 6201.134 
I'm liking it!

...a little PS filtering to give it a 'hand-drawn' appeal.
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 From:  mattj (MATTJENN)
Hi Michael

This looks brilliant! I guess the only thing missing is curve optimisation ie ellipses have 4 points only but as you say and I have read in other places, it took isodraw a lot of development time to achieve this.

Well done, i look forward to the new release :--)

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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
6201.146 In reply to 6201.143 
>I see that Michael's pdf had about ten times the resolution...

Brian, you noticed that already my attachments are just quick low resolution screenshots of the illustrator work space.
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
6201.147 In reply to 6201.144 
>..a little PS filtering to give it a 'hand-drawn' appeal

Very nice Mike. All those possibilities are great. What filters did you use?
I don't think I'll use C4Ds Sketch&Toon that much when V3 is finished. MoIs output is better.
I'm also looking forward to play with MoIs ligthing options.
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 From:  bemfarmer
Is there, or would it be beneficial, to have an on screen "print preview" of how the pdf would look in
a printed version? Laserjet? Inkjet?
Or is the target another software program?

I'll have to try that photoshop filtering.

What is the type of output? Bitmaps?
I noticed that the free "AI Viewer" program does not show anything.

- Brian
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 From:  mjs (MSHIDELER)
6201.149 In reply to 6201.134 
That is such a sexy result!

That is what I needed from Solid Works for 11 years for product manuals and manufacturing instruction guides.

That turns finish work in an outside package in just laying out the images in the right places.

Simply awesome.
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Well, I use the make 2d to do architectural drawings from the model and usually I don't model every detail because it is too time and power consuming and I just add it later in 2d. Furthermore if I want to change some lines styles of a make 2d output it is easier if the lines preserves the object name so I can isolate a group of lines and change just the lines I want. I attached an example.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.151 In reply to 6201.139 
Hi Martin,

> Here's a more common 3:1 ratio between silhouettes and default lines. I've noticed you used a 10:1 ratio.

What is the line weight that you used for the small size there?

In the settings I used, I was kind of tuning things so the silhouettes were easier to distinguish in Adobe Reader when still zoomed a bit out. But it seems like Adobe Reader may kind of fatten things up a bit on the on-screen display though, it looks fairly different than the same weights being displayed inside of Illustrator.

I am planning on having these line weights be settable in export options though, so you'll be able to set them to whatever you like.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.152 In reply to 6201.142 
Hi Martin,

> The last one I promise (I can't help but I'm too excited :)
> Reduced background opacity and 75% black silhouette:

This is why it's so cool to have separate layers and having vectors for the lines, there is a lot of possibility to do various tuning and tweaking to get different looks!

- Michael
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