Head in NURBS
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6182.14 In reply to 6182.10 
Hi Bard,

> Why not to start a contest for the most beautiful nurbs-head made ​​with MoI? ...

Because as I explained above already, MoI is not the best tool for that particular task... So it wouldn't make sense to me to promote a contest which is centered around something that's not a target area of the software overall.

The main advantage with sub-d modeling in this area (making complex organic skins like a face or creature body), is that the sub-d control cage can have arbitrary topology and generates a smooth result.

NURBS modeling has its strengths in much different areas than doing faces - NURBS modeling is very strong for mechanical shapes and forms largely driven by 2D profile curves. A face is an entirely different kind of shape than that.

> <...> there is always some ingenious modellers just waiting to reveal their talent.

In this case I'd compare it more to: "use the right tool for the job at hand". It's like saying you want to build something but only use a screwdriver to do it, because it's theoretically possible to pound in nails using the bottom of a screwdriver. But it's an awkward and time consuming process as compared to using a hammer to do that job instead.

MoI is a tool that's been designed specifically to make certain kinds of model construction to be easy to do, but the area that it's focused on is completely different than what you are talking about here.

- Michael
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 From:  Bard (BFM)
6182.15 In reply to 6182.14 

Strange comparison, because with some "screwdrivers = drink vodka-orange" in English, you are drunk; and some peoples plant nails with palm, same if the hands are not made for that.
As I have said recently to somebody, you know this maxime: This is not because your father is joiner that you should marry a carpenter. I like this one too from Africa: "This is not because the panther lose weight that you call it cat". Sorry I made a mistake, I called MoI "panther", it's just a "kitten". It's like to want cut a tree with a knife.

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 From:  BurrMan
6182.16 In reply to 6182.15 
I would say you could make some great "charactors", like disney or cartoon stuff, but if you are trying to do photo realistic human stuff, it will prove very hard.
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 From:  Bard (BFM)
6182.17 In reply to 6182.16 
Yes Burrman, my research is oriented on simple and beautiful Arts, refine in way of kokeshi (Japanese dolls), Taïnos, Cyclades, Easter, Gallic, Welsh, primitive or primal, primordial or principal sculptures, good African crafts not made for tourists, rather than big stupid ugly monsters full of syphilitic pustules for white people totally illiterated as their trash and society = sect, clique, and modeled from 1 pushed cube, then painted with an old Painter-3D that I used already in the nineties; like an Amorphium 1.0, muted in a Zbrush to spread horror, refuse, garbage, dirt, misshapen creatures for unwells exploded, burts or ripped of the spleen.

Since how many times the Artists, Creators or Poëts, Inventors, divert or distort any thing, or taking away all products, materials, tools, like others Priests, Scientists, Masters, Teachers, distort women, maids, languages, donkeys, pigs, chickens, oxes, petrol, forest, seed, from their 1st use or purpose, never made for that? .... I don't know if that thinks an ass before to bray? The rooster yes! It watches its watch as the rabbit in Aliceaholic.

Everybody have forgot the first programmers who made kilometers of draws on perfored papers, with big banks IBM computers, so much expensive. Oh! that was not made to draw, but to realize mountains of cashes, credits, profits. Why they don't used a pencil, like all obedient children or students in schoolchurches. But they do, and re-do, and do again, and go on to hide some draws, same in their hardwares and softwares. Oh the villeins! ...

Justly I looked Swift3D, that Strata3D used before for nice Vectors Renderings, all smooth, without spots mottled on the face; no details, same for furnitures, machines, complex devices, as I like so so so so much... Oh! It's not the good tools to make industrial gadgets, designers of what (?) ah money, trading, pustules, window dressing, corkscrew, or piggy-bank... Stop, I become sardonic as Michel Sardou in Sargasso Sea, or the Sardine blocking the harbour of Marseille.

Allez, I's up to me, you, he, her, it, you, us, they
Let's go Happy MoIers, heureux aux mots ailleurs.
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