Background Image Script?
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 From:  FDP
6162.11 In reply to 6162.9 
I haven't used Jim, I have used OsiriX to do some 3D reconstruction in the past It is a fantastic free and open-source Dicom viewer, but a terribly blunt tool for this kind of reconstruction.

The nice thing about MoI being a front-end to reconstruction is having the full power of a fast, efficient modeller instead of a basic 2D spline interface. The trick is keeping the units, etc, but that seems trivial!

It also occurred to me that the same general concept could be used to import, view and edit slices of gcode generated for 3d printing, although tools already exist for that... it might be useful to overlay gcode with original models.I should stop before I draw us off-topic :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6162.12 In reply to 6162.7 
Hi FDP, that's really a quite complex script (or is it multiple different scripts) that you're talking about there, every sequence like "ask the user to do this or that" actually take a fair amount of time to write.

I can help you get started on it, you may need to build up the more complex parts of the script yourself.

Let's try building it up in some stages, how about an initial stage where it just increments an existing file and make sure that part is working ok for you first before trying to move on to more functionality.

I'll see if I can write some initial starting point for you to test with.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6162.13 In reply to 6162.11 
Hi FDP, I've attached an initial starting point - copy the attached IncrementImage.js file into the \commands folder inside of MoI's main installation folder. That will then make a new command named IncrementImage available. To trigger the command set up a keyboard shortcut for the command part of the shortcut key put in: IncrementImage (just plain IncrementImage, no "script:" prefix and no .js extension).

The command expects for there to be one already existing background image in the file. It will get the filename of that background image and split the name into pieces, increment the numeric piece and then set the new filename onto the image. Internally that causes a reload of the image and the image should update.

Note that currently it is assumed that the filenames have 5 numeric digits in them before the file extension part, and it's also assumed that all the images of the set have the same aspect ratio. The 3D-space image size stays the same during this reload and if the new images does not have the same pixel dimensions as the old one it will still be stretched to fit in the same area as the old one anyway.

One other note - when you're working on editing this command there is a setting that you should change first in moi.ini to prevent command files from being cached. Go to Options > General and push the "Edit .ini file" button. Then in the [UI] section of the .ini file set:

By default MoI internally caches any command file that it reads off disk, which is annoying when you're making changes to them since it means you have to exit MoI and restart it to get the new script to be loaded. But if you set DisableFileCaching=y you can keep MoI open and it will reload the command file each time the command is launched instead.

- Michael



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 From:  bemfarmer
6162.14 In reply to 6162.13 
Tried the script with the chest samples, and also with the following brain scans, relabeled 00001, 00002, etc.

The script works!
When the script gets to the end, the highest number, it seems to keep reloading the last image, with label number incremented
higher each time.

- Brian

When I misspelled Brain00006 as Brian00006, it reloaded Brain00005 as 00006, and on the next load, loaded 00007. :-) (OK)

EDITED: 10 Sep 2013 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6162.15 In reply to 6162.14 
Hi Brian,

> When the script gets to the end, the highest number, it seems to keep reloading
> the last image, with label number incremented
> higher each time.

Yeah when you get to a file that does not exist, the reload fails and the last valid image still stays as the one displayed.

Right now there's not a very convenient way for a script to detect if a file exists or not, so for now you would just want to pay attention to not go past the last one, or modify the script to have the last number set in the script so that it can look at that to know if it's at the end one or not.

I'll add in a method to the script layer for the next v3 beta to make it easier for a script to know if a given file exists or not.

- Michael
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 From:  FDP
6162.16 In reply to 6162.15 
Thanks Michael!
I'll give this a try tonight! Can't thank you enough!

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 From:  FDP
6162.17 In reply to 6162.16 
For coding, I'm sorry to ask this basic question (didn't find anything with Googling the site), is there a js console available in MoI?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6162.18 In reply to 6162.17 

> For coding, I'm sorry to ask this basic question (didn't find anything with Googling the site),
> is there a js console available in MoI?

Sorry, no there isn't anything as sophisticated as that available yet, you just have to edit the file in a separate text editor.

I'd like to make a much more sophisticated scripting environment in the future but it will be quite a while before I'm able to do that, there is a lot of work involved.

- Michael
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 From:  FDP
6162.19 In reply to 6162.18 
Thanks Michael!
I got the script to work! Making a decrement version was super easy (just changed line 63 to "--num;").

Now I just have to figure out how to take a modifier for the command (e.g. fork at --num or ++num).

Is there a way to select objects by name and then change that name? E.g. objectpicker(object.objectname == "Unnamed")?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6162.20 In reply to 6162.19 

> Is there a way to select objects by name and then change that name?
> E.g. objectpicker(object.objectname == "Unnamed")?

You can get an object list of all current objects by doing moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects(); then if you want to only target "unnamed" objects look for objects that have a .name property that returns an empty string which is represented in JavaScript by just 2 quotes with nothing inside of them.

Here's an example:

function SetObjectNames( newname )
	// Set any unnamed objects to have the given name.

	var objects = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects();
	for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i )
		var obj = objects.item(i);
		// An "unnamed" object will have an empty string as its name property.
		if ( == '' ) = newname;	

So a call to this function like: SetObjectNames( 'flimflam' ); will set any unnamed objects to have the name 'flimflam', but would not change objects that already have a name.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6162.21 In reply to 6162.19 

> Now I just have to figure out how to take a modifier for the command (e.g. fork at --num or ++num).

It is possible to pass parameters to a command so that you can have 2 different keyboard shortcuts each of which call the same command but with slightly different behavior.

The Nudge plug-ins do this so they're the best ones to look at for an example:

You basically put the parameter as a second word in the keyboard shortcut, with a space after the command name, like:
IncrementImage backward

Then inside the command script file, use moi.command.getCommandLineParams() to access those parameters.

Something like this example from the Nudge command:

	var params = moi.command.getCommandLineParams();
	if ( /left/i ) != -1 )
		// The parameters contain the word "left" in it.
		dist = -dist;

- Michael
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 From:  FDP
6162.22 In reply to 6162.21 
Thanks Michael!

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 From:  FDP
6162.23 In reply to 6162.20 
Hi Michael,

I have dropped the function you gave into the initial script and it did exactly what I had hoped!

I'll try to expand this to match the rest of what I had been going for in the pseudocode example over the next few days. I was also thinking of using the system clock script as a basis for a current frame# display in the bottom right hand corner of the window.

Our of interest, is there any reason why there isn't more of a push to have users add buttons to the GUI for running custom scripts?

I attached the script with the added function to rename curves to match image bg numbers in case anyone else wants to use it.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6162.24 In reply to 6162.23 
Hi FDP, I'm glad that naming function worked for you!

> Our of interest, is there any reason why there isn't more of a push to have users add
> buttons to the GUI for running custom scripts?

It's on my "todo" list but so are a zillion other things. Right now I'm still focused on more core functionality, things like custom scripts are definitely useful but they're used by only a small number of advanced users, while core functionality is used by a wide range of users... So that factors into the urgency of which features get attention.

- Michael
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 From:  FDP
6162.25 In reply to 6162.24 
I definitely understand. You are one person - MoI is fantastic and your support on this forum is really top notch, so I'm certainly not trying to complain!

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 From:  FDP
6162.26 In reply to 6162.25 
I thought this might be helpful to others - the method I use for getting image sequences out of stacks that are in video format is by using ffmpeg. On Windows the command line parameters are slightly different than linux/OsX, the following example will work if all you want are low-quality jpegs:

ffmpeg -i "Input_Filename.mp4" -f image2 Output_Filename%%5d.jpg

The "%%5d" part is telling ffmpeg to pad the output frame counter to 5 digits, which will make the results compatible with Michael's "IncrementImage" script.

You can use different filetypes, e.g. .mov or .avi for the input file type and .png, etc for the output file type.

Windows builds of ffmpeg can be found here:

The precompiled ffmpeg application is found in the bin folder

Incidentally on Linux/OsX the following should be an equivalent command:

ffmpeg -i "Input_Filename.mp4" -f image2 Output_Filename%5d.jpg

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 From:  bemfarmer
6162.27 In reply to 6162.26 
Thank you FDP.

Is there a good source for CT scan image video (free)?

I see that they use video at:

I spent a little time looking at Invesalius, 3DSlicer, and RadiAnt, which use "DICOM."
There are a couple of programs called "img2dcm," code anyway, to convert PNG and/or JPEG to DICOM,
but a person would have to be a software expert to use it.(?) I'll have to try the Python line.

- Brian
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 From:  FDP
6162.28 In reply to 6162.27 
Hi Brian,
DICOM is pretty much the industry standard, and usually consists of a stack of scan images (float) with metadata.

For cross platform, take a look at ImageJ, it's free & powerful with tons of plugins.

On OsX the best program is OsiriX, which is outstanding for volumetric data processing in general.

If you Google " CT stack " or "DICOM data" you should find some examples pretty easily. YouTube also has some examples.

The example I used was from the Wikipedia "Computed Tomography" page :)

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 From:  FDP
6162.29 In reply to 6162.28 
Hi Michael,
I was wondering if you might be able to give some advice/help. I integrated the branching you recommended (which works perfectly), but now am trying to make the layers position themselves at a z depth matching the image number. I've stolen what seems like 99% of the right code from the "Nudge" script. I think the problem is with using the "factory.setInput( 0, obj );" where "obj" is an object selected by being unnamed. Here's the snippet:

function SetObjectNames( newname )
// Set any unnamed objects to have the given name.

var objects = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects();

for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i )
var obj = objects.item(i);

// An "unnamed" object will have an empty string as its name property.
if ( == '' ) = newname;

// Set the selected object to a Z plane derived from the layer/frame#
// Stolen verbatim from the "nudge" script.
var factory = moi.command.createFactory( 'move' );
factory.setInput( 0, obj );
var axis = 'zaxis';
var dist = 1.0;

// Create 2 points, these will default to 0,0,0.
var basept = moi.vectorMath.createPoint();
var offsetpt = moi.vectorMath.createPoint();

// Set up the offset point.
var dir = moi.view.getCPlane()[axis];
dir.scale( dist );
offsetpt.add( dir );

factory.setInput( 1, basept );
factory.setInput( 2, offsetpt );


I've attached the version of the script that the snippet came from which isn't working (v4) as well as the last version that works (v3).

To use the script just call it with "inc" or "dec" as a parameter. I have these hotkeyed to "CTRL +" and "CTRL -" on my keyboard, and version 3 works very nicely!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6162.30 In reply to 6162.29 

> I think the problem is with using the "factory.setInput( 0, obj );" where "obj" is an object
> selected by being unnamed. Here's the snippet:

From my first quick look, it looks like you need to make an "object list" to put into the factory's input index 0, not just an object.

Someday I'd like to tune this up so that the factory system could take either a single object or an object list in that slot but right now it usually only expects to see object lists there for factories that can take more than one object for their operations.

So try something like this - above your function SetObjectNames put in this function:

function WrapWithObjectList( obj )
	// Create an object list and fill it with the given object. Some things require an object
	// list for input and can't handle a single object instead right now.
	var list = moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList();
	list.addObject( obj );
	return list;

And then inside your function change:
factory.setInput( 0, obj );

to instead be:

factory.setInput( 0, WrapWithObjectList(obj) );

At some point I also expect to make some more friendly direct calls for things like copying and transforming objects and making lines and things like that, rather than only having the factory type methods... The factory mechanism works well for interactive commands since you can hook things like a pointpicker into a factory input and then that drives updates to that point value, but it's not very convenient when you just want to do a simple transform like you're doing here.

Let me know if you're still running into problems after that change and I'll take a close look.

- Michael
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