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 From:  BurrMan
6155.5 In reply to 6155.4 
I have seen a couple other apps with "extend surface".. That would be cool to have.
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Thanks Burr !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6155.7 In reply to 6155.1 
Hi Zarkow,

> Inventor seems to create a "basesurface" (a bit like flow in moi) in the right "formwave"
> and cut it automaticly to get a this possible in Moi.

Currently MoI does not have a mechanism for fitting one big surface through an odd outline structure like that. In the future I do want to add a mode for the new N-sided command to be able to choose between the "star" method that it currently does or that single surface fit type method.

But it's difficult to implement a well behaved single surface fit, the fitting mechanisms that do this tend to be prone to making oscillations and lumps in the surface result, and it also tends to be difficult to get enough accuracy out of the fit so that the generated surface actually touches all the curves closely enough to be trimmed directly by the 3D curves.

Often times it's better to do what Burr shows and make an initially 4 sided more simple outline and then produce the final outline by trimming that, rather than trying to directly build one surface to an odd shaped boundary.

- Michael
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