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 From:  Michael Gibson
6134.4 In reply to 6134.1 
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 From:  wastzzz
You should be able to do that in a single surface with network, no smoothing problems?


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 From:  kevjon
I've become a big fan of Loft-Loose-Exact method

It works pretty well in this instance.

Being able to now loft to a point in v3-Aug1 solves just so many problems with this technique.
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 From:  adamio
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 From:  adamio
6134.8 In reply to 6134.6 
>I've become a big fan of Loft-Loose-Exact method

It works pretty well in this instance.

Being able to now loft to a point in v3-Aug1 solves just so many problems with this technique.

Very nice addition indeed :)
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 From:  lanrenzhizao (LANREN)
6134.9 In reply to 6134.5 
There is a problem

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 From:  lanrenzhizao (LANREN)
The method of Rhino


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 From:  lanrenzhizao (LANREN)
how to do it in MOI?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6134.12 In reply to 6134.11 
Hi Lanren,

> how to do it in MOI?

Do you mean how to fill in that open spot? The Network command in MoI does not currently have any options for continuity along the edges, so it's not usually good to build things in a "patch by patch" method like you show there.

Probably the easiest way to finish that particular model though would be to trim the side surfaces so that you had an entire long strip of open space instead of just a small area, and then you can use Construct > Blend to fill that in with a smooth connecting surface.

The main tools currently for continuity in MoI are Fillet, Blend, and there is also a new N-Sided command in the current v3 beta, but that tends to bulge out a bit in a case like that where some sides are longer than the other sides.

If you check out some of the previous links that I posted those give some other techniques using Filleting as well.

- Michael
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 From:  lanrenzhizao (LANREN)
6134.13 In reply to 6134.12 
Hi Michael Gibson
Could you please show me how to do it? step by step. Thanks.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6134.14 In reply to 6134.13 
Hi Lanren, can you please post the 3DM model file that you showed a screenshot of and that will help me to show you what to do with it.

It actually helps a lot if you can post your model file along with your question instead of only screenshots, it's a lot easier to see what you're trying to do with a model file that can be examined from multiple angles and zoomed in and things like that.

But basically you'll use the Edit > Trim command with the "Isocurve" option to cut the surfaces to the left and right of the current hole area so that you have a wide open strip, then you would select the edges of both sides of the hole and run the Construct > Blend command to build a blend surface. You'll want to be using the current v3 beta to do this, since it has an updated Blend command that can now use more than one edge curve on either side of the blend.

- Michael
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
I remember a guy here said that Apple wants G2 connections
Here is my example following Michael's guidelines

A-draw a rectangle and fillet corners G2
B-two arcs then sweep where red is section and blue is rail
C-extrude filleted rectangle to cut sweeped surface
D-select edges of cutted surface and extrude more than you need,than union both surfaces
E-select edges and fillet G2
F-draw a line to cut excess of extrusion,according with height of the phone

Pay attention about fillet radius values:G2 needs good conditions to work succesfully while Circular or G1 works without problems
This is final result where all is G2...i'm not able to do better :)
Check the file attached


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 From:  wastzzz
6134.16 In reply to 6134.15 
Nice job, thumbs up
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 From:  lanrenzhizao (LANREN)
6134.17 In reply to 6134.14 
Hi Michael Gibson


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 From:  lanrenzhizao (LANREN)
6134.18 In reply to 6134.15 
Hi Mauro

these 2 positions are totally different.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6134.19 In reply to 6134.17 
Hi Lanren, did you possibly post the wrong model? The one you posted does not look like the screenshot that you asked about above, there is no missing corner spot and it has a different structure...

- Michael
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 From:  lanrenzhizao (LANREN)
6134.20 In reply to 6134.19 
Hi Michael Gibson
About the same, this is according to the IPHONE.Help me to generate the IPHONE that surface
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 From:  lanrenzhizao (LANREN)
6134.21 In reply to 6134.19 
Hi Michael Gibson
The modified model. You can also use your own method to do, all I need is the result.

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
6134.22 In reply to 6134.21 
Forgive me Lanren but we talk how to do just back curvy part of the phone
I think you should take a look in depth at examples Michael and Adamio previously highlighted you :

go directely to the middle of the post here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=3137.1

here shows different Rhino's method: http://cadjunkie.com/1515/the-dreaded-3-way-corner
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6134.23 In reply to 6134.21 
Hi Lanren, so here's what I was talking about - trim this surface here:

Click the "Isocurve" option in Trim and use this isocurve as the cutting line:

Then remove this part of the surface here:

Repeat that around all the other pieces:

Now you can select these edges and do a Blend:

I think though that you'll probably get better results using filleting instead, rather than a "patch by patch" method like you're currently trying to do. See the posts above for some descriptions of how to use filleting, you instead build a full shape instead of little separate surfaces, but with sharp corners, then use filleting to round out those corners.

If you want to only work in a patch by patch method like you're trying to do, you may have better success with that particular method if you use Rhino instead since Rhino's Network command has options for continuity in it which MoI's does not currently have. If you need to use those options then use Rhino for doing your model instead of MoI.

- Michael

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