Beetle questions
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 From:  Beetle (RONGZHITANG)
Hi, Michael.
Experience in using me about moi3d software:
1, whether we can use the keyboard direction key mobile objects in a window, can set the movement value of artificial intelligence?
2, rounded corners, sometimes do not know how to enter a value is correct, usually calculated failure, but I don't know where is wrong, is my modeling is not standard cause? Please guide me. Please upload the attachment.
3, deformation of stream function, although there are tensile deformation tools, how to calculate the length of the line, make the result more accurate?
4, model into KeyShot rendering, a complete model will break, paste material is very time-consuming.
Looking forward to will be more perfect, thank you!
The final design results:


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 From:  bemfarmer
6100.2 In reply to 6100.1 
Item 1, Nudge script?
Item 3, UnwrapCurve Script?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6100.3 In reply to 6100.1 
Hi Beetle,

> The final design results:

Your final result looks great!

> 1, whether we can use the keyboard direction key mobile objects in a window,
> can set the movement value of artificial intelligence?

Like Brian mentions above, it is possible to install a plug-in called Nudge which will then move objects by using the arrow keys. There are some instructions on how to set it up here:

> 2, rounded corners, sometimes do not know how to enter a value is correct, usually calculated
> failure, but I don't know where is wrong, is my modeling is not standard cause? Please guide
> me. Please upload the attachment.

There are a lot of possible things that can complicate filleting, and sometimes it's also just that the filleting mechanism in the geometry library that MoI uses does not handle a lot of corner juncture cases.

But sometimes there are things you can do to make things easier on the fillet mechanism - in the case you show there in the screenshot, that looks like the fillet engine failed to get a proper trim on the model, one type of thing that can make that happen is if your model is made up of surfaces that are close to being smooth with one another but just barely come to a 5 or 10 degree shallow angle rather than being either fully sharp or full smooth to each other.

It's hard to know which particular problem you are running into though by just looking at a screenshot, I'd need to see the 3DM model file in order to give you better information. You can upload an attachment to the forum here using the "Attachments" when you do a reply, or also if you want to keep it confidential you can e-mail it to me at . If the file is particularly large (like say over 6MB in size), you'll probably need to upload it to a file sharing service like dropbox or Windows sky drive and then send just the link to it rather than sending the whole file.

Filleting is not really a particularly strong area in MoI though, other CAD programs like SolidWorks, Pro/E, SolidEdge, etc... have more sophisticated fillet engines in them so if you need to do filleting that MoI is not capable of you may want to use another CAD program in combination with MoI for handling more difficult fillets.

> 3, deformation of stream function, although there are tensile deformation tools, how to
> calculate the length of the line, make the result more accurate?

Like Brian mentions, the UnwrapCurve plug-in can be helpful for this case - it creates a line that is the same length as the length of the curve. You can get that plug-in here:

> 4, model into KeyShot rendering, a complete model will break, paste material is very time-consuming.

What file format are you using for the transfer into KeyShot currently? Make sure you're using OBJ format and set the option for "Output: Quads & Triangles". The OBJ format export will write style information as materials in the OBJ file, it's usually the best way to transfer materials over to a rendering program.

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Beautiful containers Beetle!

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 From:  Bard (BFM)
6100.5 In reply to 6100.4 
Ni hao Rongzhi

Yes nice! I like the black and gold. Is it flasks for strong spirituous, or for shampoo? Mystery!

Often, when the bevels pose problems (and some unpleasant distortions), that comes from a stroke (line) with too many points in its construction in certains parts. There is a script (add on) to simplify and reconstruct the strokes (lines); after all runs better.
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 From:  Beetle (RONGZHITANG)
6100.6 In reply to 6100.5 
Ha ha, Chinese pinyin you will, it seems that you are familiar with the Chinese, this BBS has a Chinese version is ok, sorry, my English is not good, communication is difficult to learn. The packaging used in our Chinese traditional condiments: soy sauce, rice vinegar, rice wine, the material is the Chinese imperial porcelain, consult the plug-in installed in which directory?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6100.7 In reply to 6100.6 
Hi Beetle,

> consult the plug-in installed in which directory?

It goes in the "commands" folder which on the Windows version is contained inside the main installation folder, so for example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0 beta Aug-1-2013\commands

On the Mac version, you need to right-click on the app and pick "Show package contents" and inside there go into drive_c\moi\commands

Then in order to call the plug-in you set up a keyboard shortcut with the plug-in name as the command name.

- Michael
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 From:  Beetle (RONGZHITANG)
6100.8 In reply to 6100.7 Files have been extracted to C: Program Files \ moi (x86) in August 3.0 beta - 1-2013 \ command, no any change, why? Step can point in more detail? I'm confused

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 From:  Beetle (RONGZHITANG)
6100.9 In reply to 6100.8 
Hi Michael Thank you, I have solved the problem
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 From:  Bard (BFM)
6100.10 In reply to 6100.6 
Ho ho! My first idea was 3 bottles of sake (qing jiuu), but, wo pu mingbaï, your "porcelain of empire", in your rendering, confused me (a verb from "Confucius, kongfuzii"; shenanigans earl) with "imperial plastic", not enough ceramic material = diffusion 60%, ambiance 40%, reflect 95%, reflection 25%, refraction 100%). Plastic is 100, 10, 90, 15, 100. It needs a image of one room for the reflect (mirror effect; background-environment) in the objets.

Yes I know some chinese, I know also your big humor, well lived in Shuhe near Lijiang, and also in Dali, Chongqing, X'ian, and less in Beijing (too polluted, too noisy, too big, too business); and of course, wo I ni hong yan hua xia; hi hi humm...
Zaï jian Rongzhi.
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 From:  Beetle (RONGZHITANG)
6100.11 In reply to 6100.9 
Hi Michael,I never understand this plug-in usage and benefits, whether, for example, thank you!
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 From:  Beetle (RONGZHITANG)
6100.12 In reply to 6100.10 
Ha ha, moi3d software and KeyShot software, just learn a few months, English is very rotten, let you laughed, I am use translation software to translate the Chinese into English, some very specialized data don't understand, I also don't like Beijing, the weather is very bad, there is no other bird, only the ravens fly.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6100.13 In reply to 6100.11 
Hi Beetle,

> Hi Michael,I never understand this plug-in usage and benefits, whether, for example, thank you!

If you have a set of uneven long rails, you can use CSec to generate some shorter profile curves from those long rails by planar cuts in the top view.

See here for an example:

Usually though it's easiest to just directly loft the long rails with one another rather than preparing a bunch of small profiles. But CSec could be useful if you're doing some custom rebuilding task where lofting the long rails directly doesn't work so well because they've got creases in them or something like that.

Basically you would use CSec if you had a situation where you were thinking "I wish I had a section curve running across these guide rails at this cut line".

- Michael
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 From:  Beetle (RONGZHITANG)
6100.14 In reply to 6100.13 
Michael, thank you, the use of plug-ins has been resolved, I'm getting like this software.
Hi, Michael, this is a new problem, I put these components have been installed in C: \ Program Files file (x86), the ministry of the interior 3 beta \ 8-1-2013 orders, is there any way to backup, upgrade the software to restore again? Or do you provide has installed plugin moi3D software, let us to download? Thank you very much!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6100.15 In reply to 6100.14 
Hi Beetle, there is not any built in method to MoI to backup installed plug-ins, but they are just ordinary files stored in the \commands folder, so if you want to make a backup of them just use the regular Windows file copy mechanisms to copy those files into another folder somewhere and then you'll have a backup of them.

Also when you install a new beta release, it will not have any custom installed plug-ins installed in it automatically, you need to copy any plug-ins that you have installed into the new beta's \commands folder as well. You can again use the regular Windows file copy functions to do that, you can just copy the entire commands folder from the previous beta over into the new beta and say "No" when it asks you if you want to overwrite any files.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6100.16 In reply to 6100.14 
In the future I want to improve the plug-in mechanism so that you would be able to go to some kind of browser UI to pick which plug-ins to install and just push a button to install one rather then copying files around, but that will involve a lot of work to set up and so it hasn't been a priority yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Beetle (RONGZHITANG)
6100.17 In reply to 6100.16 
Yes, these instructions can automatically generate better, do not have to spend a lot of time to enter the input, I'll wait for your good news
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