The script for chain
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 From:  krass
6087.69 In reply to 6087.68 
WOW! Great job!
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 From:  BurrMan
6087.70 In reply to 6087.67 

""""""""""I should probably delete old versions...?""""""""""""

I would leave them, in case others are following. But, at some point, you'll need space. Might have to start using skydrive or something, or the future generatinons will loose your input! :o
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 From:  bemfarmer
6087.71 In reply to 6087.70 
Thank you Burr. Maybe next winter for "skydrive" or some such.
- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6087.72 In reply to 6087.71 
These particular files are super tiny though, like 3KB apiece, so they won't fill anything up for a long time...

Usually it's 3DM files with a lot of stuff in them that tends to fill up attachment space quickly. If you have a big 3DM file to share, that's what can be good to put on a file sharing service like skydrive or dropbox, etc...

- Michael
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Thank you Brian ! :)
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 From:  bemfarmer
If anyone wants to "hang" a chain, there is a catenary script on the forum, which works fairly well with a good radius guess.
I want to improve it by adding bisection, and re-examine the code.

- Brian
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 From:  Bravlin
If i want "arraydir" command to start in "Extent, Count" mode, what Key script should i use ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6087.76 In reply to 6087.75 
Hi Bravlin,

> If i want "arraydir" command to start in "Extent, Count" mode, what Key script should i use ?

It's not possible currently because of the space character in there. I should be able to fix this for the next v4 beta though by making quote " " characters affect the parameter parsing for command parameters.

The current method breaks things into separate parameters just by spaces so it breaks that "Extent, Count" into 2 parameters instead of just keeping it as one.

I'll see if I can make both "mode=Extent, Count" or mode="Extent, Count" work.

- Michael
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 From:  Bravlin
6087.77 In reply to 6087.76 
If key script with args is not available, maybe you can give us an advice on how to build simple .js plugins for this purpose ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6087.78 In reply to 6087.77 
Hi Bravlin, yes a hack that will work right now would be to make copies of the 2 files ArrayDir.js and ArrayDir.htm which are in the commands subfolder. Name the copies something like ArrayDir2.js and ArrayDir2.htm and that will then make a command named ArrayDir2 available.

Inside ArrayDir2.htm find line 33 which makes the mode dropdown, it currently looks like this:
	<moi:Select id="Mode">
		<moi:Option value="Offset, Count" textid="ArrayDir mode Offset, Count" />
		<moi:Option value="Extent, Count" textid="ArrayDir mode Extent, Count" />
		<moi:Option value="Offset, Extent" textid="ArrayDir mode Offset, Extent" />

That will default to the first one in the list, but you can add a default="" attribute to control the initial default, so you want it to look like this:

	<moi:Select id="Mode" default="Extent, Count">
		<moi:Option value="Offset, Count" textid="ArrayDir mode Offset, Count" />
		<moi:Option value="Extent, Count" textid="ArrayDir mode Extent, Count" />
		<moi:Option value="Offset, Extent" textid="ArrayDir mode Offset, Extent" />

- Michael
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 From:  Bravlin
6087.79 In reply to 6087.78 
Thanks Michael. It helps a lot. Maybe you also have some guides to moi script or hints & tricks page ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6087.80 In reply to 6087.79 
Hi Bravlin, there isn't very much on scripting documentation, what is available is here though: .

I do have a fix for the next v4 beta where you'll be able to use " " characters in a shortcut key for values that have spaces in them.

- Michael
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