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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6082.25 In reply to 6082.23 

I 'm not sure I understand what you wanted to say but any way, in MOI there are G1 and G2 BLEND so these are their analogs with LOFT.

In my previous post I make mistake, I showed G2 not G1. But as I can see no one here notice it.


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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6082.26 In reply to 6082.23 

>the matched surfaces with the pink tags are G1, but are not G2
I do not understand it. It is marked as G2 but you say it is G1. Or what do you mean?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6082.27 In reply to 6082.26 
Hi Andrei - for G2 and G3 that's all about matching curvature properties so that 2 surfaces have equal curvature (for G2) or rate of change of curvature (for G3) where 2 surfaces meet.

This just does not come into play so much when things are only flat planes or straight lines, like in your cylinder case there the direction you are matching is totally flat. That's basically a kind of special case, it's much harder to manually match curvature values when the thing you're matching is bending around instead of totally straight, I think you realized that in one of your previous posts where you were talking about doing a blend between spheres. If you measure your Loft result in that sphere case you're going to find that it's not so easy to make even a G1 result, let alone G2 or G3 just by doing a loose loft.

Even that sphere case is still kind of limited in that it has constant curvature in all spots, if you were to try a fully general freeform surface like cut a hole in your helicopter body and then try to do a G3 surface coming off of that just by using Loft you're going to find that it's just not going to work... It's too hard to manually figure out where to place each section curve in a general case like that, for a cylinder case it's a very limited case and you can just move profiles in one direction for that one. That will only help you if you are only modeling cylinders though, it's not a fully general technique for use with any kind of freeform surface.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6082.28 In reply to 6082.27 
Yep Michael,
I agree with you, and I said the same thing in my previous post with spheres -

"To connect "non planar" surfaces like this with LOFT, it is need some experience, so it would be hard for beginners to loft it. Blend works easier in this situation, just one click. New blend is great, so it is better to use it in complicated surfaces."

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 From:  OSTexo
Hello Andrei,

If you read and understood my post attached with my screenshot you would see that I said from left to right, G0 to G3. I never said the far left matched surfaces are G1, they are G0. I think I made that clear in my explanation, so I have no idea why you would say my far left example in the screenshot was G1. The tags are meant to show what the matched surfaces aren't.

I wouldn't say your lofted surfaces in your example are anything but G0, or at most G1, and if they are G1 and that has nothing to do with ones modeling "experience" and everything to do with how MoI will create that surface match from that loft command, since you don't actually know what continuity they are.

I think the shaded curvature analysis you provided makes my point quite well. The lofted and blended cylinders are obviously not the same, if you think so you are not interpreting the data properly. It's not that I'm not noticing your mistakes in this discussion, it's more of a realization that you don't have a good grasp of what continuity is and its benefits to the modeler. My original post wasn't really entirely directed at you, at the very least I hope it made others consider the great variety of tool options and methods available to them.
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 From:  shayno
6082.30 In reply to 6082.3 
New beta seems faster !! just a seat of the pants observation :)
Can't wait to see whats in there


ps Andrei does love his loft
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 From:  alexxx_95
6082.31 In reply to 6082.8 
Hi Mickael , very good tip thanks

but excuse my stupid question, but how do you do a simple point ?

I only see the " add a point " (on a curve) tool..
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6082.32 In reply to 6082.31 
Hi alexx, look under Draw curve > More > Point, that will allow you to place a "point object".

- Michael
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 From:  alexxx_95
6082.33 In reply to 6082.32 
oh thanks a lot.
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