Thats a Great result! (i'm 52)
I'm sure you meshed it and sent it off asap!
Turns out it's a great job opportunity! The job will last 9 months to 1.5 years. Working on a big Animation production. Did you send "quads" over? They need to be quads for the animation.
We got the job! The boss visited and made a slight change. He wanted the smoothing to be a little harder. He introduced us to the rest of the team. There is rigging and texturing guys. He said these guy's will be dropping by around 4-5 times a day with various changes being requested. With this initial change though, they wanted to get a head start, so they requested 3 differing outputs. They want the seams/edge loops in the creased areas to have 3 different topologies.
Here's the 3 I present.
This output was about 8 seconds.....
Can you please list the workflow you use now?
I can go to bed now. Tomorrow, I will awake to a phone call from the director. He will like them. He will tell me that we are making "organic mines" for his new sci-fi movie and the mines will actually be animated(hence the all quads).. He will let me know that he wants "50 of the same, though slightly differing in each, all quad meshed.
I'll do it in about 6 minutes. I'll then ask for your workflow on that.
After that, it will get really interesting! There's lot's of money to be made.....