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 From:  Michael Gibson
Ok guys, this is starting to devolve into a flame war here...

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.85 In reply to 6076.83 

>Apparently, "YOUR" definition is all that matter? That's why.

I said- "at least"..... read carefully..... groboto and this plugin do not have this critical must have feature for any sub-d modeler.
what we are talking about? a?

>groboto works with it's own type of object
after that you say that groboto is polygonal modeller? a?

>is that your best guess? your wrong. as a matter of fact, there is a partnership in the works with one of the worlds leading poly modelers.
you tried it yourself or anybody here?

>no, you've already stated you take it into 3dcoat, and to do that, you have to "commit" it... same thing.....when will "you" understand this?
I do not use 3d-coat for modelling! I use it for retopology, UVs unwrap and painting!

Sorry but I can not talk with you any more. I waste my time trying to make you understand some basics.
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.86 In reply to 6076.85 
"""""""Sorry but I can not talk with you any more. I waste my time trying to make you understand some basics""""""""""""

There is really nothing you can help me with Andrei. Your perspective is SO LIMITED, you don't even understand the fundamentals of the process.
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 From:  coi (MARCO)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
< if Groboto can import obj
I don't believe it can!
Manual page 6
"There is not polygon or tools for edit polygon in Groboto
(except possibility to smooth or Stylise those created by the Mesher itself ! "
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.89 In reply to 6076.88 
Pilou hope BurrMan hear you :) He still think that Groboto is polygonal modeler.

I just made some research, and find what team of Groboto says:

GroBoto's Solids/Boolean engine is entirely ours. Importantly it is not a polygonal system - it uses true analytical geometry.
...actually a big deal, because we can handle subtle intersections, complexity, coincident surfaces, and a bunch of other stuff that any poly-based system would choke on... Real-Time, absolutely clean, precise, fully shaded work-mode rendering.

I don't want to launch into a pitch here (I'm GroBoto's creator & one of it's developers - 'tho the other side of my brain knows I'm really an artist).

The GroBoto Site will give you a better idea of what it's about.

Best Wishes,


If it is still not argument for BurrMan, I think nothing can help him :)
Just to mention as Darrel says: "Importantly it is not a polygonal system - it uses true analytical geometry."

You can read full thread here:

Darrel says very clear what is Groboto and how it differs from polygonal modeling and NURBS.
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 From:  WarrenM
6076.90 In reply to 6076.89 
"He still think that Groboto is polygonal modeler."

This is why you're so frustrating to talk to. He NEVER said that - he pointed out that Groboto, like MoI, exports to polygonal formats. Putting words into people's mouths to score points will not win you any friends.
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.91 In reply to 6076.90 
""""""""He NEVER said that """"""""""

Thats true. I didnt. And it IS frustrating. But, I've been "called out" to play a game. So I have a game.

I just received a call for some "work". I made a sketch and he liked it. Asked if i would do the work. I made this in Groboto, as a start.

Maybe we can see Your workflow to make this object?

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.92 In reply to 6076.91 
>This is why you're so frustrating to talk to. He NEVER said that - he pointed out that Groboto, like MoI, exports to polygonal formats. Putting words into people's mouths to score points will not win you any friends.

> "He NEVER said that " Thats true. I didnt

WarrenM and BurrMan, you guys have short memory...

Who wrote this?

I think it is clear who is who.

Guys you better understand this:

1. Groboto is not polygonal modeller
2. Therу is no way to import polygonal mesh in Groboto to modify it.
3. To make serious project you have to export from Groboto to polygonal modeler and finish it. (But you will lose any advantages of its Boolean technology)r
4. Working in MOI you do no need to export any objects to finish them in extarnal modeler. So you can make booleans any time you want.
5. In MOI repairing objects is much more easer and faster than in Sub-D.
6. My first video is telling that there is no any simple way to make this object in polygonal modelling. Groboto is not polygonal modeler so you can not say that Groboto can do it. It just convert its object to polygonal model like MOI.

About plugin fr MODO,. When it will be release we will talk. Now nobody tested it and have no clear understanding how it works.


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 From:  BurrMan
6076.93 In reply to 6076.92 
""""""""Who wrote this?""""""""""

I wrote that. It "is" a sub-d modeler and that is what it references. You seem to think it is not. I circled the words this time...

I posted your "game" about me making something in Groboto...

Maybe you can play it? It's your chance to prove me wrong, and make that in MoI!

EDITED: 1 Aug 2013 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.94 In reply to 6076.93 

In your words - It is not Polygonal modeler but is Sub-D modeler.

Very funny))))

You better stop it, people will start laugh at you)
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.95 In reply to 6076.94 
I posted the "game" you wanted to play, and all you want to do is argue and be insulting? I reposted the picture with the words circled for your clarity

Please respond to the model I posted from Groboto, with your model from MoI.....
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 From:  WarrenM
6076.96 In reply to 6076.93 
Something is off the rails here. I feel like I have no idea who is arguing what anymore. I'm going to stop trying to help and just watch I guess. My head hurts.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
When I Boolean something and think.....nah! don't like it....I just hit the undo button ;)

Burr, deep breaths man F..U..B..A..RRRR :)

This is some thread what the heck was the subject again my brain hurts.

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 From:  BurrMan
6076.98 In reply to 6076.96 
""""""""Something is off the rails here. I feel like I have no idea who is arguing what anymore. I'm going to stop trying to help and just watch I guess. My head hurts.""""""""""

Well, I posted the model he requested that I make in Groboto, but no answer to that post yet.

We'll see.
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.99 In reply to 6076.98 
You want that I made your model in MOI? It's 5 minutes work I do not understand you.

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 From:  BurrMan
6076.100 In reply to 6076.97 
"""""Burr, deep breaths man F..U..B..A..RRRR :)

This is some thread what the heck was the subject again my brain hurts.""""""""""

Yeah, I broke down and presented him the game he wanted to play, and it kindof started jumping all over again...Seems crazy.
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.101 In reply to 6076.99 
"""""""You want that I made your model in MOI? It's 5 minutes work I do not understand you. """""""""""

Yes!!!!! Read the post. Present your workflow for the object.....
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.102 In reply to 6076.101 

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 From:  BurrMan
6076.103 In reply to 6076.102 
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