The real time booleans of the process are not destructive. Both objects remain. To "repair" the boolean, is to just remove the cutting object. No "special techniques" needed.
Andrei finds the forum "serious". Replying to every comment from other users as "your wrong", is not appreciated (By me).
You continue to make false statements based off your position, and not any real understanding of the app or technology you are refering to.
Your "challenge", goes unanswered, because you will just come back with further "what if's" that branch off in a different direction, and make it unbearable to participate.
Michael, it's neat that NURBS have the underlying surface that can be recovered, however, as mentioned with the "Commit" becomes destructive, the translation of MoI's surfaces to other apps, will result in "Shrinking the trimmed surfaces", which would destroy the original intent and construction, and require further "special techniques" to do any type of repair.