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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
About Groboto
If i well remember it's snap like "middle" or "extremities" !
UI is not very "friendly" ;)

Groboto is also more for "automatic bots" figure result!

In this video all repetitive geometries is Groboto!

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.24 In reply to 6076.22 
>Dynamic booleans are a BIG DEAL.

Can not see any big deal in it, really)) Just for concepting, may be some new ways to find new shapes.

>And I can reproduce your example at the start of this thread in a subd modeler - that doesn't mean that what you're showing in your video isn't better. It is! And that's the same as these dynamic booleans compared to static booleans. These are WAY better.

Do no not agree with you, I can not imagine that you will model this figure I showed in first post in Sub-D in 2 minutes...
But any figure that you show me that was made in Groboto I reproduce in "seconds" in MOI.. may be except those abstract stuff that Pilou showed.
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 From:  WarrenM
6076.25 In reply to 6076.24 
"Can not see any big deal in it, really)) Just for concepting, may be some new ways to find new shapes."

OK ... awesome. Well, I'll be on my way then.
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
6076.26 In reply to 6076.24 
@Andrei:About Autodesk, Is it you started those thread about snap? Why? Let user of Fusion to suffer a bit :)))

I didn't start that thread,but a user that also use MOI..take a look at the image he attached: Moi Snap Palette as reference for Autodesk !!!! :) :)
...more:they said can import 3dm files...i tried surfaces,solids but fail all times,so i exported from Moi in Sat,and it works
...more:you can't convert the whole surface in T-Spline surface then edit....must delete a single face, make a patch and convert that patch in T-Spline surface.... :)

I think dynamics booleans are great stuff considering how is difficult make it in Sub-D
if i remember correctly,Groboto was also a C4D plug-in,that gave a ultra-clean mesh after booleans

Modo+Dynamic booleans+CAD loader won't need T-Splines for sure!! All this for 2000€/$ more or less...
same price of Rhino+T-Splines...without one of the best UI of 3DWorld(just second to MOI :) ),Recoil soft-rigid bodies,animation,a good renderer and more....
Yes..if i could spend some money Modo should be the choice.

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.27 In reply to 6076.26 
looks like very strange stuff.. that Fusion..

About soft, for example I can not work not in Rhino nor in Modo))) After MOI just can't ))))

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 From:  BurrMan
6076.28 In reply to 6076.27 
Groboto is not "New"...

it does those booleans and maintains an "all quad" topology mesh.

It's mesher is unique and powerful.

It is a "tool" with a unique capability. The "bot" is 1.
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
6076.29 In reply to 6076.27 
That's only one problem about Moi:is addictive !! careful.. :)
but you're using now also 3DCoat and C4D..hope you'll use them also for modeling
..if not..force yourself avoiding to fall in addiction ;) :)

I started a Rhino course few months ago
i came from Autocad and Moi,so,no problem at all
Teacher gave us to model a simple abat-jour (bed lamp)
Rhino 4 Snap paralyzed me!! :) :)
I copied the exercise on my pen-drive,went back home i did it in MOI ;) :)
Next lesson i showed to the classroom my cool model
but i was the end i said the truth(i did that course just to improve my skills)
i'm addicted :)

Thanks Burr,you confirm what i supposed
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.30 In reply to 6076.29 
M-dynamics nice story ))))
The workflow of rhino is terribly slow compare to MOI, Michael make great job merging different commands in one! Also snapping...
I also watching tutorials on Rhino where they made some stuff for 15 minutes, that I made in MOI for 5 minutes)) So i'm addicted)) It's true. It's good to be addicted to something really good)

Rhino is like 3Ds Max or Maya... Big enormous monster... That was layered with new staff years after years, and save up all problems and mistakes that is not possible to fix without drastically changing it. It's like big pile..
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 From:  PaQ
Dont want to break the humor here, but this mesh fusion is really hot ! (and I'm affraid it makes the first video no valid anymore).
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.32 In reply to 6076.31 
> Dont want to break the humor here, but this mesh fusion is really hot ! (and I'm affraid it makes the first video no valid anymore).

I think it's valid!
Because what you can make after you converted your object in mesh with Groboto, what??? Nothing except the sculpting.... Good base mesh for further sculpting... The cage is dense it is hard to work with this with standard polygonal tools except some kind of brushes. May be there is some option to control amount of polygons I did not see it in videos. But Any way after it becomes mesh you loose all that booleans advantages that you had...
With MOI I can do with model everything I want in any time. And after that export it in poly model..

So is it everything so cool like it on videos for serious projects? I think no.


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 From:  BurrMan
6076.33 In reply to 6076.31 
Here's a better resource for video's on it. This is Darrel the developer. It is quite MORE than Booleans...

(Did he just push/pull a fillet?)
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.34 In reply to 6076.33 
Is it any tutorial with some serious stuff??? Not only with strange car, odd toys, strange concepts with random parts or abstract stuff? I can not see.
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 From:  PaQ
6076.35 In reply to 6076.33 
Hi BurrMan,

You are showing an old script/workflow supposed to deal with groboto mesh inside modo.
Meshfusion is a brand new beast. You dont need groboto anymore ;)

The think is that I'm not sure we have the right to really talk about it, the previous videos were sneak peak for modo users only.
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 From:  Andrei Samardac

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 From:  PaQ
6076.37 In reply to 6076.36 
Not really because Meshfusion is not groboto ...
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.38 In reply to 6076.35 
"""""""You are showing an old script/workflow supposed to deal with groboto mesh inside modo.
Meshfusion is a brand new beast. You dont need groboto anymore ;) """"""""""

Yes. We can only hope that Darrels Health holds up. I wish him the best.
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 From:  WarrenM
6076.39 In reply to 6076.36 

The videos are posted publicly on YouTube, so I don't think Luxology is too concerned.


"I think everything is clear...))) Or not? "

Posting images of stuff people have created in Groboto is entirely irrelevant. They aren't integrating Groboto into Modo.

Wait until it comes out and people are actually using it to create meshes. THEN we'll talk about what it's good for and what it isn't good for.
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.40 In reply to 6076.38 
"""""Is it any tutorial with some serious stuff???""""""""""

Do you mean like where a guy makes an airplane fuselage by pulling spline points around to match a picture?
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Andrei,

the images you show are from the old Groboto software and MoI. Please someone correct me, i believe that the new MeshFusion technology which is coming to MODO from the Groboto Developers is quite a different beast, assuming that this new plug-in can use sub-d meshes created with MODO and then carry out the dynamic booleans. Well, if not then it's still a nice plug-in for someone who likes it. BUT if it allows sub-d meshes created with MODO, well than this would be really awesome, imho.

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 From:  WarrenM
6076.42 In reply to 6076.41 
They haven't flat out said, to my knowledge, that any mesh will work but they have heavily implied it. It's not just a few primitive shapes like Groboto at the very least. He showed a few screen shots of what looked like arbitrary meshes being used to subtract from the main mesh (meshes with concave caps, for example).
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