Death of SUB-D Artist)! Closed
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.108 In reply to 6076.106 
Thats a Great result! (i'm 52)

I'm sure you meshed it and sent it off asap!

Turns out it's a great job opportunity! The job will last 9 months to 1.5 years. Working on a big Animation production. Did you send "quads" over? They need to be quads for the animation.

We got the job! The boss visited and made a slight change. He wanted the smoothing to be a little harder. He introduced us to the rest of the team. There is rigging and texturing guys. He said these guy's will be dropping by around 4-5 times a day with various changes being requested. With this initial change though, they wanted to get a head start, so they requested 3 differing outputs. They want the seams/edge loops in the creased areas to have 3 different topologies.

Here's the 3 I present.

This output was about 8 seconds.....

Can you please list the workflow you use now?

I can go to bed now. Tomorrow, I will awake to a phone call from the director. He will like them. He will tell me that we are making "organic mines" for his new sci-fi movie and the mines will actually be animated(hence the all quads).. He will let me know that he wants "50 of the same, though slightly differing in each, all quad meshed.

I'll do it in about 6 minutes. I'll then ask for your workflow on that.

After that, it will get really interesting! There's lot's of money to be made.....

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.109 In reply to 6076.108 
Man I can retopo it In 3-D coat for minutes, just do not want to waste time recording workflow. Everybody knows it...

It will look like this...

I really do not understand you.. You are speaking like absolutely newbie without experience..


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 From:  BurrMan
6076.110 In reply to 6076.109 
Well, see, now you are dropping off the game you started. I did mine?

You will become very frustrated after I have you start to change the initial design, add some things, re-output...

This, for the job, could go on for months!!!

You will "retopo" those to all quads"? Yeah, but I did it in 8 seconds... I could do that all day and I did it here in this discussion, without posting an "old video".... You?

So far you have 4 retopo's going. I'm still working on the original object.
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.111 In reply to 6076.110 
Man I'll start retopo only when Art Director approve my High poly model.

I more and more make sure that you have no any experience...



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 From:  BurrMan
6076.112 In reply to 6076.111 
""""""So far you have 4 retopo's going. I'm still working on the original object.""""""""""

You can just ignore this point. Thats OK.

More insults about my experience to skirt the issue, is actually the childs game!

You dont like where this is heading, and bailing out now.. I get it....
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.113 In reply to 6076.112 
""""""Man I'll start retopo only when Art Director approve my High poly model.""""""""""

Yeah, remember the "great result" comment????? (even though it didnt have the same "sub-D" look that mine did)

But then, the riggers hated the topology. They needed it redone. You yelled at them and told them they dont know what they are talking about... They fired you!
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6076.114 In reply to 6076.112 
> You dont like where this is heading

I made that video with retopology it was from here
Can not see any reason to record it again.

If the riggers will ask me to retopo model I'll back in 3D Coat not in MOI to change topology.

When you will made something close to that I made we will talk, but now you looks for me like absolute newbie that think that, models for games and animation are made in Groboto without retopology.




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 From:  BurrMan
6076.115 In reply to 6076.114 
"""""""""If the riggers will ask me to retopo model I'll back in 3D Coat not in MOI to change topology."""""""""

Yeah, but only if the model didnt change (and I was going to change it).....

And, I didnt have to do that. I fully changed the topology and my Sub-D output with a couple clciks. I can remove it and completly change the model and the booleans and retopo it in less than 10 seconds.... We didnt even get to address the "50 models" that were comming tomorrow..

You? Seems you are skirting this point. You see, the director and art director and riggers dont want to wait for you...

I got the job, because I used the right tool for the job.

""""When you will made something that I made we will talk"""""""""

There goes that ego maniacal holier than thou again. You still didnt answer whats so serious about your picture? I mean, you DO know it's not a real helicopter, dont you?
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.116 In reply to 6076.115 
""""""""""""" but now you looks for me like absolute newbie that think that, models for games and animation are made in Groboto without retopology.""""""""""

It's interesting how you continually put words into my mouth to feel better about yourself.....

I don't think that, but I do think that when Braid Art gets into Modo, that guy's like PaQ will be blowing doors!

You'll still be "lofting everything!" lol
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 From:  BurrMan
6076.117 In reply to 6076.116 
My portfolio?

Yeah, I cant post that here. Most of my work is done for other people.

But, When I worked for American Marine Services Corp. they purchased 2 Nuytco Deep Worker 2000's and I modeled those (Not for construction, but for Tug and operations prep) and I DO know, that you wont find any exposed hydraulic rams (You know, the tractor kind) like you may find on "serious models" that others make.... Hahahaaa....
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
@Andrei: How old are you? Let us see your portfolio.

I think this is not to consider offensive..also it not depend by language barriers
You just belong to different generations :) :)

oopss..sorry..-WE-belong to different generations (Burr are you 60's?..I'm '62's) :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Ok guys, I think this thread has run its course, I'm locking it.

- Michael
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