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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.40 In reply to 6040.39 
M-Dynamics, I join parts when I need them to be joined :) Don't know where you get it from :))

I think there is no big difference, between real world art and CG art. Because tools are the only differences. But result is something that made by human's creativity. It's all visual art,
like painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography e.t.c.

I think you mean that not all art you like, monsters is ugly for you and you don't like them, but they still remains peace of art. If for example monster will be painted on canvas by oil?
I think you more talking about your own tastes and it's you right.
I was in Itally, Millano, Venezia, nice country, my sister live there :) Most of all I liked Sicily.

Thank you too for conversation:)


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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
6040.41 In reply to 6040.40 
I belong to a previous generation
Modeling for passion i get inspiration from things i have seen and loved in past
For me best era was '70 (especially first half )
Actually happened to re-discover Miami-Vice Tv serie
It's summer, is turned-out the Wellcraft Scarab 38KV
I have the sea..two "chicks"..the's enough for me :)
i's a non-sense rendering,but i'm happy when i watch it

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Very refreshing!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.43 In reply to 6040.42 
Kool stuff) At first glance I thought it's real photo))
Nice boat)
How you made water splashes?
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Pilou you achieved the "target": REFRESH :) :) it's hot here,now !!

Using an unbiased engine,results are similar(more or less) to real photos
This is a compositing
background sea is a real photo(original had a boat that i deleted)
inserted Scarab using Photomatch plug-in (C4D)
water splashes are real,just add a few in PS to cover engines and back line-hull
Girls are Jessy from Poser,inserted in C4D using Interposer-Pro plug-in
Happy Summer ! :)

EDITED: 23 Jul 2013 by M-DYNAMICS

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
Just learning 3D Coat. Looks awesome! Much more cooler then body-paint in Cinema 4D to texture and draw on model. Super coll I enjoy drawing in it....
UV mapping is also super cool, much more better then in cinema 4d. And super cool retopology. I do not touch yet voxel sculpting no need in it now. I have to say it's great software. And as I know it develop/programming mostly by one persone like Michael - Andrew Shpagin, he is from Ukraina practically my countryman))


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6040.46 In reply to 6040.45 
Yep 3D-coat is the more classic Zbrush like ;) East against West ;) (again coded by one person Ofer Alon creator of Pixologic the Zbrush team )
I am haapy few of it because I made some French things ;)
Like this last Version of Zbrush (with the ZRemesher!
63 pages of the last manual for example ;)

I know also Andrew, a cool guy, because I have made the French version of 3D-Coat! ;)
If you go there you will see my avatar! And of course new features of the V4... but in French! :D

EDITED: 24 Jul 2013 by PILOU

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.47 In reply to 6040.46 
I like 3D coat much more than Zbrush. Zbrush for me is some kind of extraterestrial interface... I don know what they smoke whem made this crazy stuff)) Those conception with tools and documents and files.. Or that useless 2,5 D always confuse me..... And it's strange how it becomes so popular, may be good PR. 3D coat more like russiun AK-47, simple and realible. I tried 3D Coat and it is so simple and fun. Great soft)
Nica avatar Pilou))) As I can se you are some kinf of french magik wand for CG Developers))


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 From:  Andrei Samardac
First test with 3D coat. Spent all day trying to understand how it works... And finally get good result)

Tried to make low polly model with normal map.

And this is workflow:

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Export High Res

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Export Low Res

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Result 94 triangles, 100 quads.

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
And another test:
188 triangles, 144 quads.

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Now thinking about the way how to work,for now it's clear you have to have 2 model one with fillet and one without.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6040.50 In reply to 6040.48 
Great looking result in only 194 polys!

Another thing you can experiement with is turning "centroid triangulation" off - you have to do that under moi.ini by setting:

[Mesh Export]

When it's turned on it will generate triangles when possible by connecting the centroid point of an n-gon to its outer boundarys, that gives a kind of X like looking pattern in some areas. It can help to reduce skinny triangles but also increases vertex count by adding in that additional central point.

If you turn it off then those central points will not be added and n-gons will get triangulated only by connecting their outer boundary points, that might be better for you.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.51 In reply to 6040.50 
Just tried this thing and can not understand clearly the differences.
Could you pleas make some screen or draw the simple cage, to understand how it works.
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.52 In reply to 6040.51 
This is what i descoverd.
The differences.

centroid OFF - 473 Poly

centroid ON - 491 Poly
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Michael what us the main advantage of making centroid off?
It looks better with off.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6040.53 In reply to 6040.52 
Hi Andrei, on your example you can see the differences pretty clearly on the large planar face, notice how with centroid triangulation, the triangulation of that big n-gon takes on a radial structure with an internal point added like this:

Without centroid triangulation, it intead forms triangles by only connecting vertices on the outer n-gon boundary and not generating any extra internal central point, which gives you this instead:

On other areas the difference looks more like this:

Which one is better depends on your particular needs - when it's on it can help make some triangle structures sort of more regular and symmetrical like the big face in this example, and in some cases makes triangles that are kind of more wedge shaped and don't stretch quite as far across a space. But also because it adds an additional internal point it produces a higher polygon count and sometimes having the radial structure in small areas looks kind of strange.

For a while now I've had the default changed to have it off by default but for a long time before that it was on by default.

If you want to fully minimize polygon count you will probably want to turn it off.

If you like the radial structure of the large face shown above and don't mind some additional vertices being added then turn it on instead.

- Michael

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.54 In reply to 6040.53 
Yep thank you I understand. And I like more geometry with non collapsed style)
Also today I try this and looks like circle extrusion it still collapse n-gone.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6040.55 In reply to 6040.54 
It will still use centroid triangulation on n-gons that have all vertices at equal distances from the centroid point, so basically only totally regular polygons like the cylinder cap.

The centroid setting actually controls whether centroid triangulation is also used on other kinds of non-regular polygons where it is possible to make a valid triangulation by connecting to a centroid point.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.56 In reply to 6040.55 
Good, it's not problem for me just noticed it.

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