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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.20 In reply to 6040.18 
Michael sorry i'll tell more detail about what i need with low poly model, in my environment low poly means only one make model for game or animation)))
I need low poly for games first of all, to bake normal maps and other if needed from high poly and put it on low poly.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6040.21 In reply to 6040.20 
Hi Andrei, you might be able to get more information if you were more specific than that - like what specific game engine or animation engine are you targeting ?

Then maybe if you start a new topic and mention that specific engine in the subject you may get someone to post some information about their workflow for it.

Here is one previous discussion:

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.22 In reply to 6040.21 
Good, thank you Michael, seems good thread I'll have a look.

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
6040.23 In reply to 6040.17 
Andrei: <<As I can see I'm only person here that use MOI not for Cad models)) But for games stuff and Art)))>>

This time i not agree with you..there are many people like me that aren't Pro or artists but like to model just for passion and fun
It's very common to find the word "artist" in 3D's hard to define something "Art"....often we tend to abuse of this word...
Here an example of modeling something just to learn and share together....
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.24 In reply to 6040.23 
M-dynamics, it was just a jock)
Joystick - nice work !
What is is trunk? It's trim?
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
6040.25 In reply to 6040.24 
Download the model and check it out
Yes:trunk is trim
That's a kind of model where SWEEP allows you to get one complex shape in one time
i said SWEEP..not loft... ;)
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.26 In reply to 6040.25 
M-dynamics, joking)), I can make it really great with loft too)))
By the way I stumble on your videos on vimeo, I saw you made fender of the car, so I thought may be all problems would be solved if you extrude fender curve not in the X direction but use extrude - set dir or better LOFT)))) to change angle of extrusion to make blend do not make that angles that you fixed.. Or just extrude it in Z. Don know how it will work in this case but just an idea.


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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
6040.27 In reply to 6040.26 
You know there are many ways to get a shape,fender of the car is just one of them made using ISO function to extract G2 points..

About joystick handle i think that is more accurate to make it with my method because SWEEP has the rails that force sections to follow them
sure you can do it also using loft but you'll need lot of sections if you want to follow that profile and,when closing,you must use a little section to the end of the chain
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.28 In reply to 6040.27 
M-dynamics, I think result is the main thing, what you use to achieve it, is on the second place. Somebody prefer this somebody that... It is never ending story))
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6040.29 In reply to 6040.17 
Hi Andrei,

> As I can see I'm only person here that use MOI not for Cad models)) But for games stuff and Art)))

I keep in touch with the forum all the time even though I haven't posted for a while and I really like the work you do, however your statement puzzled me, you are using MoI for CAD (Computer Aided Design) models, the modelling you do use a variety of engineering components that are available and can be manufactured and if your models were to be manufactured they would have to be modelled accurately in a CAD package, the current MI 17 that you did would of been designed on a high end CAD package, designed for manufacture which means not only producing an accurate model but accurate surfaces for post processing purposes along the design life cycle as well, which means just using Loft won't cut it ;)

You mention Art, well, we are all digital artists here we all have the canvas the tools to produce models, we copy existing we model from imagination and we all do get inspired that's why we're all here, love to see some of your art.

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.30 In reply to 6040.29 
"As I can see I'm only person here that use MOI not for Cad models)) But for games stuff and Art)))"

As you can see there are a lot of smiles in this expression... Can not understand why you and M-Dynamics react so serious to this. It was just a jock )
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6040.31 In reply to 6040.30 
Hi Andrei,

Sorry that you're taking these comments seriously they're not intended to induce argument, this is a discussion forum so if anyone makes a statement people will post their opinion about that statement or subject.
It's also very hard to express emotion via text on a forum so maybe if you're joking and don't want anyone to comment on it just write (joke) at the end of your statement and this is a smile :) which I'm doing right now.

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Well..i must say i didn't notice your emoticons in your phrase
This because i'm not so reactive about "new generation's stuff" like social networks etc (maybe because i'm 50 years old ;) )
Moi's forum is a quiet place:no heavy discussions,no fightings...but i'd like to have better emoticons to avoid misunderstandings
Often they not work ,you can see just Html code instead of graphic symbol so,Michael,if you can,improve that area :)
I agree with Danny<<Sorry that you're taking these comments seriously they're not intended to induce argument>>

Mir !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6040.33 In reply to 6040.30 
Hi Andrei, yeah there is probably a little bit of a language difference - maybe language customs or maybe just age difference, that for many people )) by itself doesn't really mean smile like :) or ;) does..

Certainly it is easy for jokes or sarcasm to be misinterpreted when it's only written words and no voice inflection or facial expressions involved.

Anyway if you have to have an argument a nice calm one like you guys are having is a good way to do it. ;)

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.34 In reply to 6040.33 
No problem guys,
I just starting to read you big comments on my phrase that was just written to joke. And could not understand why this phrase captured attention.
I always use smiles like this )) - if I joke, because there are no any other way to show emotions here. So habit of posting, ages and temper, made this incomprehension.

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 From:  BurrMan
6040.35 In reply to 6040.34 
I would still like to remain the king of misunderstood, so please, if anyone would like a shot at the title, let me know! :o

Remember, when your reading a forum, your actually listening to yourself talk, inside your own head!
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6040.36 In reply to 6040.35 
> Remember, when your reading a forum, your actually listening to yourself talk, inside your own head!

I do that without reading forums ;)

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Andrei:you bring new life here with your enthusiasm !
I'm an "open-minded" man and i supported you when you said to expand Moi's borders !
Often enthusiasm and youth are linked and when you have both,they give you lot of energy (like asking to Michael to delete some tools leaving just Loft..)
I'd like to have your skills how you paint your renders in Photoshop,but i don't "eat" with 3D (is not my main income)and you are not a competitor,so no-envy (why??) :)
Sometime i start to be upset when i read -ART- about 3D models or renders
A weapon can be modeled and rendered to the "state of art" but will always remain a weapon..not a piece of art
Take a look at Z-Brush:amazing software,difficult, real clay-sculpt skills are also required..
Lot of talented people spend their time to model just "monsters"
final result will be outstanding and gorgeous,but will remain just a monster (Ugly !) :)
you can find billions of different monsters..i really don't know how is still possible to create one different...
So:monsters,weapons,blades,saws,spacebots,vehicles,tanks..i can't call them -ART-
I know:Game and movie industry need that stuff so i understand people that work and "eat" from it
I can consider-ART- the matte-painters,people that draw by hand backgrounds and scenes..who create pieces of industrial design or fornitures,clothes or accessories..etc..
You'll find Brionvega TS-502 radio or Philippe Stark "spider squeezer" at MOMA,or some Valentino's dresses exposed in museums...not the Crysis-nanosuit !!!
Forgive me for this off-topic,it's just my opinion about CG... :)
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6040.38 In reply to 6040.37 
Thanx M-dynamics yes I'm younger than you I have 31 years old and not so long ago started to use MOI.
When you made your joystick I have no idea what is it MOI, I can say more I have no idea what is it 3D... A couple a months ago was 1 year since I started my CG experience. I'm music video director, you can check my works here:
3D activity only few months ago started to bring me some money not so big but anyway it happens.
So as all of newcomers I have a lot of enthusiasm, and may be some times ask a lot of questions to Michael or push some disputable offers, but i think it's not so bad. I am afraid to loose this state of mind over the years.

I think this theme that - "What consider Art what not" is the most controversial theme in the ART.
Because for example personally I can not understand when some abstract artist like Kandinsky or Picasso made something that can be done by 6-years kid. But a lot of people consider them greatest artist in the world...But I am not consider them as big artists. Or Modern Art, when for example there is one pan in empty hall in the exhibition. Is it art? I think no.. But a lot of people consider yes.

I think we all have our personal opinion about this, that depends on our previous experience. We can discuss this but I think it will not make big sense because
tastes differ.

You can watch this great film it is about what we are talking here:

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
6040.39 In reply to 6040.38 
I saw your videoclips on youtube and i imagined you were a newbie in Moi the way you make your models(without join the parts together)
Agree with you:final result is the target and this could be confirmed by your beautiful results posted on the forum
I just discussed about the abuse of word -ART- in Computer Graphics,not in real world,so i leave out discussions about Picasso or modern art etc..

It depends by you what is beautiful...."for you"...or not:your girl is nice for you,maybe not for me,and vice-versa...
also depends by own background
We,Italians,have a particular "sense of beauty" that derives from our ancient culture,environment,mentality and so
We live surrounded by beauty,art,design and fashion,it's "inside our DNA"....(but also surrounded by lot of bad things)
Often,during my journeys,foreign people asked me:"why don't you use the socks with your sneakers..??It's not comfortable,for your feet.." :) :)
They were right...but fashion rules here ;)

Thank you for this "off-topic conversation" :)

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