Power of LOFT!
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6037.44 In reply to 6037.42 
>I think that some types of screen capture software can do that for you.
I think it will not say more to people what shortcuts I use. I think Pilou wanted so see commands?

Pilou if you want to see my shortcuts you can find them here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=5948.1
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 From:  BurrMan
6037.45 In reply to 6037.44 
Hey Andrei,
I think you would get a kick out of the cross section command if you havnt discovered that yet. You can find it and get info here:


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6037.46 In reply to 6037.43 
Hi Andrei - "Exact" does not so much actually mean "exact number of points" - it means "exact shapes". In exact mode profiles are made compatible with one another by knot insertion so that the shape of the loft surface will go exactly through each profile but the end surface inherits the combinations of all point and knot structures of every curve, so usually the final surface will have more points on it than every input curve.

If all the curves are exact copies of one another then they should merge together easily though and you do get the same number of points in the surface in that case.

But because the loft is internally generated as a single big surface before it's split at creases, all pieces of the loft will get "degree elevated" to the highest degree segment, so in this case the arc is degree 2 so the linear areas get degree elevated to degree 2 as well and that's why they have an additional point in those areas.

Also in addition to that when you turn on control points for arc or circle curves what you actually see are not the control points of the exact arc or circle but instead the control points of a rebuilt version of the arc or circle, that's because an exact NURBS circle or arc is itself made up of quadrants that do not deform very well by control point manipulation, so if you edit an arc's control point it automatically switches it into a smooth rebuilt version of it so that it doesn't kind of split apart into 2 arcs divided by some internal point. But in the generated sphere surface you're seeing the direct surface control points in that case. If you pull some of those sphere fragment control points around you'll see some of the splitting apart that I'm referring to, that happens when a surface or a curve has a "fully multiple knot" in it, it sort of means the curve or surface has another kind of internal segmentation in it.

Hope this helps explain some of the additional details.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6037.47 In reply to 6037.46 
Very complicated, I think it's very low level for me. One thing I understand is - If all the curves are exact copies of one another then they should merge together easily though and you do get the same number of points in the surface in that case. In all other ways exact does not mean exact amount of points)) And understand a bit about circles)))
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6037.48 In reply to 6037.45 
Thanx BurrMan,
Really good command, I think I'll use it, did not know about it, thank you very much!

Portfolio: www.samardac.tumblr.com
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6037.49 In reply to 6037.47 
Hi Andrei,

> Very complicated, I think it's very low level for me.

As I've mentioned many times before, really if you want to do direct surface point modification a sub-d modeling toolset tends to be a better fit for that than NURBS modeling.

Some of the things that give accuracy to NURBS modeling do not lend themselves well to squishing surfaces around. Some problems like internal segmentation on circles/arcs/spheres can be avoided though by doing a rebuild on it.

- Michael
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 From:  OSTexo

Interestingly this is a very good illustration why you wouldn't use loft (left) as a replacement for a more appropriate tool for the task, revolve (right). Same set of curves, just ran the commands. A curvature analysis is shown in the picture. Poor surface quality in the lofted shape which could lead to further problems as it is modified. No such problems with the revolved shape.


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
As fan of Loft maybe this script can interest you ;)

link of script is on top page! MoveSlicetoPoint
Interesting when you have a lot of slices

EDITED: 21 Jul 2013 by PILOU

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6037.52 In reply to 6037.51 
Thank you Pilou, intersting script, looks like I'll use it.

Portfolio: www.samardac.tumblr.com
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Message 6037.53 deleted 2 Aug 2013 by ANDREI SAMARDAC

 From:  blowlamp

While using the Loose option in the Loft tool I wondered if a slider control would be a worthy addition to let the degree of 'looseness' be tweaked to one's liking?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6037.55 In reply to 6037.54 
Hi Martin,

> While using the Loose option in the Loft tool I wondered if a slider control would
> be a worthy addition to let the degree of 'looseness' be tweaked to one's liking?

It would be great, but unfortunately I don't know how I'd implement it - the internal details of how loose loft works does not really involve any sort of looseness factor in how it functions. Usually an adjustable slider control for things like that can work when there is some kind of scale factor involved in the calculations, but when there's nothing resembling that kind of multiplying scale factor it's then difficult to include one.

- Michael
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 From:  blowlamp
Hi Michael.

Yeah I know that many of my ideas border on the impossible :-)

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6037.57 In reply to 6037.54 
you can use this method.

1. Use loft (normal mode) to build a surface; Draw a circle.
2. Select the circle; Array -> Dir;
3. Select the circles -> Loft (caps off) -> Flow tool. Use cylinder as base surface.
4. Now you've got more curves, so you can variate the power of loft by selecting and deselecting those curves.

This method works good with any curves. I could write a script, but, unfortunately, I haven't free time for it now.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6037.58 In reply to 6037.57 
Project simple Lines don't give the same result ?

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6037.59 In reply to 6037.58 
Your method works if all curves parallel to each other.
OK, how about this one? :)

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  blowlamp
Hi Max and Frenchy.

Thanks for these techniques of refining the loft surface, I wouldn't have thought of either of them!

All the best.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6037.61 In reply to 6037.59 
Maybe Iso Lines ?

but your methode is surely more versatile!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6037.62 In reply to 6037.61 
Great idea!
My method is more accurate and can be automated, but Iso Lines method is more faster and easier.
It will be enough in most cases. Thank you.
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