creating 'Sculpties' for Second Life
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 From:  Michael Gibson
597.10 In reply to 597.9 
Wow, that was quick Cindy, that's really cool!

Is there any way to create a file that represents an assembly of multiple 'Sculpties' that are positioned in relation to one another?

I guess right now if you wanted to make a more complex object made out of multiple untrimmed NURBS surfaces, it would be kind of difficult because each different sculpt map that you create probably represents an object centered around its own local origin. So I guess you would have to manually reposition each surface into its proper relative place later on.

- Michael
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 From:  Cindy
597.11 In reply to 597.10 
It should be possible, using LSL (the Second Life Scripting Language).
I still have some testing and Bugfixing to do, to get the best possible Result.
At the Moment, the origin of my Sculpties is off Center, this will be next.
My Program exports only a single Object now, but support for multiple
Objects would be a nice Feature - and not too hard to do.
I think the Perfect Sculptie Export would do these extra Steps :
-Scale all Axes to the Maximum, prior to the Rounding.
(for best Resolution, 8 Bits is not much)
-Create a LSL Script to scale the Object back
..and maybe align multiple Objects to fit together...
Well, a Programmer's work is never done. ;)
But first, i try to solve the off-center Problem.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
597.12 In reply to 597.11 
> Well, a Programmer's work is never done. ;)

I know that feeling! :)

The nice thing about your stand-alone tool is that it can be used with a few different programs - MoI, Rhino, and I think that Ayam modeler can save a NURBS surface in a .3dm file, and possibly some other CAD programs like SolidWorks...

One other idea - probably right now you are doing that even stepping in UV space - that's a type of "uniform" tessellation.

That can be a problem if the surface has different behavior in different areas. Like if the surface is fairly flat in one half of it, but wiggly in the other half, you're still going to place a bunch of points in the flat area where it doesn't really need the points.

A different style, "adaptive" tessellation, would do something like subdivide UV space into half by placing one point in the middle, then try to analyze each of the remaining halves and if one of them was pretty flat then it would not add any more in that half and instead continue adding more in the bendy part.

That would be a way to try and optimize the point placement.

It's a bit tricky, but I could help you with it a bit at some point if it seems like it would improve the quality. It may not make much of a difference if people are doing mostly fairly evenly curved things. In fact one problem is if things are really evenly curved maybe the uniform way is actually a bit better spacing than adaptive...

- Michael
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