Best export format for high detail
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5964.13 In reply to 5964.12 
Keyshot or SimLab Composer who is more affordable( it's has the same Luxion render engine inside)
all is made for an easy use! :)
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5964.14 In reply to 5964.13 
Actually Pilou, Simlab now use their own developed render engine technology in V2014 not Luxion.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5964.15 In reply to 5964.14 
Ah thx for the info!
Luckily i have only spoken of that only in this forum! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  sosodef

here is my next question to this. Didn´t want to open a new thread, or should i ?

How can i "fillet" smoothen the sharp edges of the "stripes"

If i try fillet with all Option G1 - G3, circle and so on, no smoothening of the sharp edges appear..

Any solution ?

Thanks in advance !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5964.17 In reply to 5964.16 
Hi sosodef, what fillet radius are you trying to use? It looks like probably only a pretty small radius will fit in the space you've got there. Try going down in increments of 1/10 like try a radius of 0.1 or 0.01 and see if that produces a fillet. If it does then it means your original radius value was just too big to fit in some of the corner areas of your shape.

If you need more help please post the 3DM model file that you're trying to fillet, that will make it possible to take a look at your geometry and maybe give some better tips.

- Michael
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 From:  sosodef
5964.18 In reply to 5964.17 
Hey Michael,

it is about the same model which i uploaded before in this Thread. It is about the "weird lines" object.

In this file you can the "stripes" right, which are boolean cutted... I tried 0.1 mm and lower... unfortunately i could get no any results.

Is it possbile, that i just cant see the "filet" if i choose 0.01 but in fact it is "there" ?? If yes, isn´t 0.01 mm filet also pretty close to a really sharp edge ?

Thank you in advance.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5964.19 In reply to 5964.18 
Hi sosodef,

> it is about the same model which i uploaded before in this Thread. It is
> about the "weird lines" object.

Ok, but you never attached the 3DM file for this model, as far as I can see you only attached the OBJ file. I can't try to fillet the OBJ file, I need your 3DM model file in order to look at any fillet problems.

> If yes, isn´t 0.01 mm filet also pretty close to a really sharp edge ?

It depends on the particular scale of the particular model.

It's hard to give you any good information without being able to examine the 3DM model file that you're having problems with. Please post the 3DM model file (not just the meshed OBJ one) and that would help me to be able to take a look at what you've got and try to give you some tips.

- Michael
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