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 From:  WarrenM
5902.3 In reply to 5902.2 
I have one and, yes, that's how it works. All the buttons are programmable so I'm not sure what he's looking for there but I'm curious to hear!
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 From:  PL (PLS)
1) That's great that you are plannig a 2D printing function. Something simple should do it. Just to print what is on the screen.

2) The 3D connexion space pilot works but sometimes the movements get stuck and I have to go back using the mouse. It's not a big deal. Then it would works again until the same event occurs. I'm using Windows 8 64bit and MOI 2.0 that comes with Geomagic 2103. My driver is up to date.

3) I noticed the sketching function but it's not exactely a free Hand sketching tool since it somehow interprets a line as a polynome or similar. What I mean is something like skechbook pro has. A sketcher that you would use to do your first sketches. But maybe it's better to Keep MOI as efficient as possible whitout implementinig too much stuff. Actually that's what I really like about it. And, that keeps the speed up!

4) Please disregard my post about the Cintiq. It actually works very well. I shoud have asked you if Cintiq was intentionally implemented in MOI. I guess the aswer is yes.

Anyway, congratulation on the application. I'm shocked how powerful and fast that this masterpeace is! And beleave me, I can compare it. I have been using Catia V5 and other software for shape design that is definately les user friendly, much slower and bogus.

Is there another MOI Version (>2.0) coming with Geomagic 2013 soon?

Kind regards

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5902.5 In reply to 5902.4 
Hi PL,

> 1) That's great that you are plannig a 2D printing function. Something simple
> should do it. Just to print what is on the screen.

I think that Geomagic/Alibre has some pretty good printing support, so for the time being you should be able to bring your geometry into there for doing the printing.

I'm not sure when the printing will be implemented directly in MoI, it may be a while.

> 2) The 3D connexion space pilot works but sometimes the movements get stuck
> and I have to go back using the mouse. It's not a big deal. Then it would works again
> until the same event occurs.

Hmm, I wonder if your device is actually getting physically stuck somehow. You might try using the "Calibrate" function in the 3D connexion control panel thingy.

You might also try using the most current MoI 3.0 beta which you can get from here:

If it's a problem with the hardware sensor actually getting stuck in some position then there probably isn't much that MoI itself would be able to do about that.

> 3) I noticed the sketching function but it's not exactely a free Hand sketching tool since
> it somehow interprets a line as a polynome or similar. What I mean is something like skechbook
> pro has. A sketcher that you would use to do your first sketches. But maybe it's better to
> Keep MOI as efficient as possible whitout implementinig too much stuff. Actually that's what
> I really like about it. And, that keeps the speed up!

I would love to do an integrated image based sketch package, but there would be a tremendous amount of work involved in doing that, it's not really a feasible area for me to tackle.

If SketchBook Pro has the kind of behavior you need, then I'd recommend doing your sketch inside of SketchBook Pro and then bring your finished image into MoI as a background image, the tool for bringing in images into MoI is under View > Image:

> 4) Please disregard my post about the Cintiq. It actually works very well. I shoud have asked
> you if Cintiq was intentionally implemented in MOI. I guess the aswer is yes.

There's nothing really specifically targeting the Cintiq, but just in general MoI has been created to be friendly for use with a drawing tablet and that general tablet friendly UI design should apply well to the Cintiq also. If you have the largest one you may want to increase the UI size in MoI to make the buttons and text a little larger, there is a slider for that under Options > General > UI size.

> Anyway, congratulation on the application. I'm shocked how powerful and fast that this masterpeace
> is! And beleave me, I can compare it. I have been using Catia V5 and other software for shape design
> that is definately les user friendly, much slower and bogus.

Thanks, I'm glad that you like it!

> Is there another MOI Version (>2.0) coming with Geomagic 2013 soon?

I'll be coming out with MoI v3 sometime this year but there are not currently any plans in place for how that will be incorporated with the Geomagic/Alibre bundle deal. Probably you'll be able to purchase a discounted v3 upgrade version for getting MoI v3.

- Michael
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 From:  PL (PLS)
5902.6 In reply to 5902.5 
Great News. I will definately give MOI 3.0 beta a try.

Thanks for your time!


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