Ed, that is siiiiiick!!!! Nice 'graffiti/tuned el coche loco' inspired look. That could be done too. ;-)
It would look great in my employer's 18,000 sqr ft grafitti room!
Yes... my boss bought a 110,000 sqr ft building complex, composed of a four-story building and additional wings - and our seven automatic screen printing presses plus office spaces only occupies only 1/7th of it! :-/
So we have a graffiti room..... eh.
Thanks Michael C.,
That's my future career goal - something in the industrial design field. And if I have to uproot in a few years, I'll have to find a new job and it should be something I like.
Though, a degree would still have to happen.
I've got 20 years of graphic design under my belt, but I know I've also had a proficiency in CAD and physical design type implementation since my youth.
Of course, one talent enhances another.
I took something like six credits of drafting in high school (the old-fashioned kind) because I loved it so much and even designed a 32-page plan set for a spaceship concept instead of a house like everyone else.
Funny, I had to help teach the graphics class to fill in my schedule, but never too a single art class.
But I've always been into building gadgets and tinkering with electronics. Lots and lots of concept sketches in my time... so maybe...
Oh man, guys!... here's a small snapshot of the 32-page high school ship project: I was only 17 years old!
...was it 1989? That was sooo long ago.
I used a program called "Halo" on my dad's 8086 IBM "clone" to draw the bottom portion, which came out of an Olivetti dot matrix printer, then onto some clear acetate sheets via Xerox machine, then through the 3M blueprint developer.
Although, maybe MoI is giving me too much confidence. ;-)