Export flat planar surfaces as illustrator lines
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
5855.6 In reply to 5855.5 
Hi Michael,

I don't know if you already have the requested file but here's one:

3 squares with red , green and blue borders and no fill and
3 squares with red , green and blue fill and no borders

Made with Illustrator CS3 and saved as version 8 file.
The Illustrator color mode was RGB.

EDITED: 25 Apr 2013 by MARTIN3D


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 From:  Samuel Zeller
Hi Michael,

When I export a surface (like a square) it makes 4 separate lines in illustrator
When I export a square (without planar applied) it makes a square in illustrator (not separated lines)

Is it possible to write non separated lines from planar surfaces ?
shapenoid.com stojan-voumard.com
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5855.8 In reply to 5855.6 
Hi Martin, thanks for the test file!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5855.9 In reply to 5855.7 
Hi DesuDeus, ok now I understand a bit more about what you're asking about.

But sorry no there is not currently any way to write a set of multiple edges as one single closed curve, each edge will get written separately.

This is because many times edges are shared between multiple faces, like with a box for example if each face boundary was written as its own closed curve there would be overlapping pieces.

I guess I could put in an option in the moi.ini file that would control this (writing individual edges or writing connected boundaries), but some things like the boundary of a cylinder could be kind of weird writing as one single curve since that would have the top closed curve then the "seam edge" and the bottom closed curve all glued together as one thing...

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
5855.10 In reply to 5855.9 
Yes Michael but I only plan to export planar surfaces and not volumes so overlapping edges are not a problem :)

Each face would have their own edges so they can be filled with a color in illustrator, that would be cool.

For now I use the convert face to edges script then export to .AI, it's working ok.
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 From:  archetype (FABIENF)
Thanks Martin, looks like you beat me to it! Oh, and Michael, great to hear you're looking to expand the 2D export. Ai-export is great, but perhaps you might find PDF more approachable to add these features?

/ Fabien
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5855.12 In reply to 5855.11 
Hi Fabien,

> but perhaps you might find PDF more approachable to add these features?

Unfortunately PDF is in general a massive increase in complexity (file structure wise) from the old AI format so everything is more difficult with it. I do want to implement a PDF export in addition to AI8 format export and I have some new PDF support stuff in place that should help me do that but I should probably try to get colors working in AI8 first before digging into the PDF export. Some things at a low level in PDF resemble AI format so getting it working in AI8 may also give me kind of a running start as far as figuring it out in PDF later on as well...

PDF import has already been significantly overhauled in MoI v3 a few releases ago to use a proper PDF parser so the import side for PDF is working much better now.

- Michael
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