Feature request for Fillet...
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Message 5803.10 deleted 27 Feb 2020 by BURRMAN

 From:  BurrMan
I've thought about this alot and put a great deal of effort in this for Danny!

EDITED: 27 Feb 2020 by BURRMAN

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5803.12 In reply to 5803.11 
Danger Will Robinson! Were you thinking a loud woop woop siren to go with that Burr ;)

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 From:  BurrMan
5803.13 In reply to 5803.12 
AUDIO!!!!!! Always outside of the box mate.
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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
5803.14 In reply to 5803.7 
Hey Michael,

thanks for your feedback.

Yeah, "Calculation failed" would be absolutely fine with me if you want to keep it generic, as long as it stays on screen indefinitely in case I'm working in another software in parallel.

As far as the button - I was maybe unclear:
I personally would like the button to be only "pressable" if the last calculation was successful. Otherwise I'd prefer it to be greyed out, so the only option is "cancel".
I never meant it to change labels at all.
What I point at is the problem that in case of a failed operation it isn't clear what "Done" will do, therefore I think it shouldn't be available to be pressed in that case.

The thought about "Done" vs. "Apply" was separate from the above: I personally find "Done" not as clear as "Apply". Done is somehow generic and unspecific.
I often thought that when using MoI and just wanted to mention it.
I understand your point, but think that "Apply" would make it much clearer what to expect.
To me, "Done" feels too close to "Cancel".

Finally: I personally would prefer if the 3D-Views would show the original, unaltered model after a failed operation, not the last successful result, which is pretty irritating IMO.

Thanks and Cheers!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5803.15 In reply to 5803.14 
Hi Tom,

> Done is somehow generic and unspecific.

Yup, but that's actually intentional so that it can be applied in many different circumstances. Like for instance when MoI is waiting for you to do some kind of object selection you push the "Done" button to signal to MoI that you have finished the selection and are going on to the next stage of the command.

It's kind of helpful for consistency of operation to have a common button that is used for command workflow like that.

I'll see what's involved in making a "Calculation failed" message to be displayed.

- Michael
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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
5803.16 In reply to 5803.15 
Well, I'm happy to agree to disagree here ;-)

I personally am sometimes confused since it's often unclear in MoI if hitting a button is going to the next stage of a multi-stage command (like in your example with the object selection) or if hitting it will actually apply the result. When selecting objects, "Done" makes absolute sense. But in the case of filleting, when I'm on the last screen, the missing differentiation between "Done" as in going to the next screen and "Done" as in applying the fillet finally is a bit too generic for me.
I understand and respect what you try to achieve, it just doesn't work for me personally.

But no big deal - I just wanted to bring it up for discussion. There's always Undo ;-)

I look forward to whatever improvements you decide to implement.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5803.17 In reply to 5803.16 
Hi Tom,

> But in the case of filleting, when I'm on the last screen, the missing differentiation between "Done"
> as in going to the next screen and "Done" as in applying the fillet finally is a bit too generic for me.

At that stage the "applying the fillet" is the "next screen" - basically you push Done to tell MoI that you're finished with the parameter adjusting stage of Fillet and want to move on from that.

The parameter adjusting stage happens to be the last stage of the command so once you move on from that the current result will be accepted and the command will finish.

Is it that you think any stage that has parameters that can be adjusted should have a button labeled "Apply" rather than "Done" ?

One big problem with using that specific word "Apply" is that it's commonly used in Windows programs on open dialogs to mean "apply the current settings but keep the dialog open and do NOT close it". So I don't think it would be that great to use that particular word "Apply" to actually mean "Close and finish" since it would kind of have an opposite meaning to how it's used in other programs.

I guess it could say "Finish" at the last stage (I guess reading your post again, it's the "last" stage that you want to have significance), but that's so close to "Done" in meaning anyway... Also it could be possible for some commands to finish at different stages depending on which particular options have been enabled or disabled along the way. It would be pretty annoying to try and keep track of that and change the text back and forth between "Done" and "Finished" or "Apply" or whatever.

It's just a lot more simple in general to have a single button always called "Done" for going to the next stage and when you're done with the last stage you've finished the command.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5803.18 In reply to 5803.16 
Hi Tom, ok I've got a "Calculation failed" message set up now for the next v3 beta, displayed in the same spot as the "Calculating..." - it seems like it should handle the main kind of thing you were asking about.

Also I've got a tuneup that when it fails it should do a better job of reverting things back to the original selection on screen rather than just having the screen stay the same which was ending up showing the last successful calculation result.

It only considers things to have "failed" if nothing at all was generated though, it won't get displayed for the kinds of cases where there was a partial result that was returned.

There isn't any "Calculation succeeded" message, instead what happens is once you edit any parameter to start a new calculation any existing "Calculation failed" message will be dismissed right away and then if it then generates stuff there won't be any message at all there.

But I believe that the tuneup should eliminate any confusion about whether you are seeing any previous calculation or not.

- Michael
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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
5803.19 In reply to 5803.18 

Thank you very much!


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