Move seam edge-seam point
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5801.2 In reply to 5801.1 
So you have a little infinity of possible forms for this wing only with this change of seam position?

EDITED: 1 Apr 2013 by PILOU

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5801.3 In reply to 5801.2 
When work will be finished i'll post a "making-of" video
in my case the original seam has been melted with fuselage than filleted
this made problems later because the seam was just on the sharpest,curved section of the wing
moving seam in "neutral" straight position(bottom),not on the corner,fillet worked without problems
I consider this Michael's suggestion very important..
how many times you found the seam in unwanted position?
how many times users asked(me too) why fillet don't work correctly?
..often because of the seam is on a curved ,narrow or "stretch" area
it deserved a "video-example"
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