How I do a solid half-cylinder?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
579.2 In reply to 579.1 
For this one, erase everything except for just one semi-circle, then draw a line connecting the endpoints of the half-circle. Select both those curves and then do a Construct / Extrude and that will create that type of a shape.

Any time you have something that is really straight in one direction, then that is a good candidate for extrusion.

One other thing to be aware of - your arc that is close to the origin (0,0,0) point is not quite snapped exactly on to the origin, it is a just a small amount above it. You should generally try to snap these types of objects exactly in place because it makes it easier to line up other things later on. Like in this case since it is not quite a 180 degree arc (more like 182 degrees or something), it is easy to accidentally get a some other kind of snap when you draw the line between the endpoints, like a quad snap or perp snap.

Let me know if you need more detailed instructions on any of this.

- Michael
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 From:  Rudy
579.3 In reply to 579.2 
Dear Michael,

I did it with the sweep option....
I revidsed my posts back (I really need to print them....and I did not work with MOI for a couple of weeks....I have to learn a living as well....), and discovered that I draw it wrongly for sweep.
I have done it...I will also try to get it with your suggestion.

Thank you Michael.

PS. I will have a next step after lunch...another "How I do this?"
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 From:  Rudy
579.4 In reply to 579.3 
Got it, got it.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
579.5 In reply to 579.3 
Sweep would also work - you can almost think of extrude as being a special kind of sweep along a line.

But for sweep you have to draw an extra line - extrude does the job with fewer steps because you don't have to draw the line for the path like you would in sweep.

Often times there are many different possible ways to create a particular shape. Like another totally different way for your half cylinder would be to use Draw solid / Cylinder to create a full cylinder, then draw a line in the front or side view and use Construct / Boolean / Difference to slice the cylinder in half with the line and throw away the bottom half...

But some commands are optimized for making certain shapes with fewer steps, like extrude is efficient for doing things that have a straight line path in them.

- Michael
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 From:  Rudy
579.6 In reply to 579.5 
Got it.
Thank you. I am so glad Michael, but I do not want you to spend much time with me.
You have more important things to do and in the end, there are other willing as well to teach me.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
579.7 In reply to 579.6 
Hi Rudy, don't worry it doesn't take me very much time to help you, just a couple of minutes.
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