Trouble with Sweeping
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 From:  coi (MARCO)
5789.3 In reply to 5789.1 
Oi Heiner!

I think, that the problem derives from a corner point (in conjunction with the additional profile) in your rail.

...on the left, i did a rail with a corner point and on the right, i did a rail without a corner point.

~ Marco

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 From:  Heiner (BILDERMENSCH)
Hi there,

@ Marco: I seems as if a cornerpoint is really the problem.
In fact, at the gap there is a corner point ...
How do i change a corner point into a curve?
Or do i have to reconstruct the curve ...

However, i attached the file if someone want to check,


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 From:  BurrMan
5789.5 In reply to 5789.4 
Good one Marco. Although, I would think that a corner point should create a "miter" there, there may be some reason the miter didnt/cant be created along that path/profile.

You can just select the corner point and delete it (Changes the shape a bit).
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 From:  Heiner (BILDERMENSCH)
i created the curves of a combination of curves which i then joined.
So that seems to be a no no ...
What ways of controling a curve do i have exept for the selection of the
kind of curve to use and the amount of points to put. Is there something
like bias handles i can acess to control the curves?

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 From:  coi (MARCO)
5789.7 In reply to 5789.4 

You can't change a corner point into a control point. You have to delete the corner point and eyeball your way along by adding control points.

...or you could use the REBUILD command, which reconstructs the given curve by sampling points and generating a new curve through those points. get rid of any corner points, use the #Points Mode. Uncheck 'Keep corners' and fiddle with the Point count to get a satisfying approximation of the original curve..pretty straight forward.

in this particular case (the gap thingy), there must be something special going on..

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5789.8 In reply to 5789.1 
You'll get a miter if you are doing a one-rail sweep and you've got a planar rail that has sharp corners in it.

You don't get miters on a 2-rail sweep which looks like the case here, if you do a 2 rail sweep on rails that have sharp corners, it's basically the same as cutting the rails up into pieces and having the sweep done on those pieces in separate sections.

Mitering involves doing an extension of the surfaces and intersecting those and in a 2 rail sweep it becomes unlikely that the extensions actually even cleanly intersect one another.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5789.9 In reply to 5789.6 
Hi Heiner,

> i created the curves of a combination of curves which i then joined.
> So that seems to be a no no ...

It's ok to have a combination of curves that are joined together to use as rails, but the "no no" part is that the individual pieces were not smooth to one another. When you draw a control point curve you want to pay special attention to what direction the first and second (and last and second-to-last) points are going in, that controls the tangent direction of the curve and if you have 2 pieces that do not have the same tangent direction where they are joined that makes for a sharp corner crease in the shape of the joined curve, that will translate into some kind of sharpness or juncture area in your sweep result.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5789.10 In reply to 5789.6 
Hi Heiner,

> Is there something like bias handles i can acess to control the curves?

Yes, NURBS curves have control points which can be manipulated to edit a curve, you can turn them on by selecting the curve and using Edit > Show pts

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5789.11 In reply to 5789.6 
Hi Heiner, I've attached a version here which gives no gap - I edited the curves by joining them together, doing a rebuild on it with # of points mode, "Keep corners" turned off, and using 200 points, and then split it into 2 pieces again at the previous end point and then using only one profile for doing the sweep.

You usually don't need to put in so many different profiles when doing sweep, sweep basically automatically puts in a whole bunch of profiles by sliding even just one along the rail or rails - when you are doing Loft on the other hand only the profiles that you specifically put in are used, that's when you would put in more of then to control the shape.

Basically one profile and a rail or 2 rails automatically generates a whole bunch of profiles for you by moving things along the rail.

- Michael

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