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 From:  Michael Gibson
5780.3 In reply to 5780.1 
Hi DesuDeus, nice web app icons!

> - Being able to copy paste into AI (with a special shortcut
> that will internally export the selection in AI then put the
> data in the clipboard)

Right now there is not any way to do this, it's something that would need to be added into the core functionality, not really just done with a script.

I'm not really sure exactly how Illustrator's clipboard format works, like whether you can actually place just a raw .ai file (or maybe now it will want PDF probably) in the clipboard or what, I will have to try and look around for some information to see if that is very well documented or not. It's not uncommon for programs to have private clipboard formats that are somewhat different in structure than files that you use with File > Open and such.

> - Being able to export the selection in an AI file but inside an
> AI workplane of the exact same size of the selection

Right now there's no way to do this either, I'm not really familiar with AI workplanes, what happens how with the current export?

Can you save off an AI version 8 file with the workplane set up how you would want so I could take a look at the file structure and see what particular thing is being set for that?

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
5780.4 In reply to 5780.3 

Here's 3 AI files made from CS6 to Illustrator 8

32mm x 32mm workplane with a circle in it

20mm x 20mm workplane with a circle in it

14mm x 14mm workplane with a circle + another smaller workplane aside of it with a smaller circle in it

Hope this can help :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5780.5 In reply to 5780.4 
Thanks DesuDeus, those will help me - it may take me a while yet before I will be able to investigate this though.

- Michael
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