network problem
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 From:  brash
Hi all and thanks,
file attached.

1.smooth solid
2.connect two parts with fillet.
3.connection profile make rounded.

pls help)))

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Hi Brash,

Take a look at the attached file:

I made another long profile curve derived from the one you had in the center, and I mirrored it.
So now I had more profiles to define the greater shape from more sides.

I took out many of the profile rings so that network would not have to negotiate so many.

I replaced the small ring at the ends with a perfect circle, because you basically want the network grid lines to meet at the 'same time', so to speak.

See if it's more to your liking.

Good luck.

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 From:  brash
5778.9 In reply to 5778.8 
Thank you very much!
you tip and MACH-18 tutorial very helpful.
i did mirror>add line>trim line and left side>repeat trim on right side>fillet 5 mm
but still problem:
1. smooth connection two sides
2. no constant thickness
pls help

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Hi Brash,

To get a smoother transition, trim away more surface so that there is a gap, then Blend the two open edges.

You'll have to play with the curve shape that trims the network surfaces to try to get the blend to be more continuous.

The unwanted undulations in the resultant network shape could be remedied by either trying a different Network mode or working with the profiles.

Personally, If I was trying to make a more exact and uniform shape, I would have made the main body with a simple sweep of the profile ring along an 'S' shape, and then used Blend or the new N-Sided to round out the ends.

Good luck.
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 From:  brash
5778.11 In reply to 5778.10 
Thank you, Mike!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5778.12 In reply to 5778.11 
Also one of Mike's previous mini tutorials for this kind of trim + blend technique for Y branch type things:

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5778.13 In reply to 5778.12 
Ehh... That's one I still want to improve on.
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