V3 beta Mar-17-2013 available now
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 From:  shayno
Hi Michael
I have just downloaded the latest V3 beta
Which files do I copy from the previous beta to the the new one ?

Do I copy all from the commands folder , but not replace files already in the destination folder?.

As I have a lot of additional scripts and commands I have added from the forum. (like ringcircle )
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.56 In reply to 5774.55 
Hi shayne,

> Do I copy all from the commands folder , but not replace files already in the destination folder?.

Yes, that should work - all the things you need to copy over are the files you added into the commands folder - just copy them all and say no to overwriting any already existing ones and that should work fine.

Shortcut key definitions don't need to be brought over, those are stored in moi.ini and the new release will use the same moi.ini file as the previous beta. So it's just files added into the commands folder that need to be copied over.

- Michael
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 From:  shayno
5774.57 In reply to 5774.56 
Thanks works perfectly
My portable copy on a USB stick do I need to copy the current moi.ini and the template file I use into there also, where is the best place to put them, in the moi folder ?

Will it find the moi.ini (I know I have to point to the template from options)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.58 In reply to 5774.57 
Hi shayne, yes for the one on the USB stick copy moi.ini into the same folder as MoI.exe, it will look for it there first and use it if it finds it there.

The template file is a bit trickier, it wants to have a full path to that so you can put it on the USB stick but you'd then put in the drive letter of the USB drive (which may change though on different machines) as the path to the template file. It may possibly work if you leave off the path and that should theroetically look in the current directory at start up time which probably will be the same location as MoI.exe so that should work.

I'll tune up the template file loading so that if the template file is not found at the specific given path to try and look for a file of that same name alongside moi.exe too.

- Michael
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 From:  shayno
5774.59 In reply to 5774.58 
Thanks Michael
I had wondered about the template although my laptop assigns the USB drive to F also.
Thanks for the changes and enjoying the new beta's
The Nside patch is brilliant
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 From:  ggagnon
5774.60 In reply to 5774.59 
Hi Michael,
In the past you have provided a ScriptCopier to import script to a new beta. That is not needed anymore?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.61 In reply to 5774.60 
Hi Gaston, it was never really needed, it was really started just to help one person in particular who did not know how to copy files with Windows Explorer.

All you really need to do is copy the entire contents of the \commands sub-folder from the previous beta into the new beta's \commands folder and say "no" to overwriting any files, that will do the exact same job as that script copier utility.

- Michael
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 From:  ggagnon
5774.62 In reply to 5774.61 
Thanks Michael, that clears it up :)
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 From:  centropolis
5774.63 In reply to 5774.1 
Hi Michael,

A little bug. In the menu bar the icon of N-Sided is lost.
You can fix it ?

And ... One more thing.
The final 3.0 version, when?

Many thanks,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.64 In reply to 5774.63 
Hi Centropolis, yes I haven't had a chance yet to make the icon for N-sided, I will definitely be making one for it before the final v3 release.

> The final 3.0 version, when?

I don't have any specific date set yet. I would like to have it out before summer is over but I'm not sure yet if that will happen or not.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5774.65 In reply to 5774.63 
I made this one for myself, although it does loose it's descriptivness when in the UI. But I like to have a picture to mentally/automatically go to.

If you want to use it, or any other, put this in the icons folder, then edit the sidepane.htm file on this line to contain the name of the png image.

<moi:CommandButton icon="icons/Nsided.png" command="nsided"><moi:Text textid="Nsided"></moi:CommandButton>
Image Attachments:
Size: 112.8 KB, Downloaded: 82 times, Dimensions: 557x587px
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 From:  bemfarmer
5774.66 In reply to 5774.65 
New Icon installed... It could be a bit hard for some users...Previous experience installing construction line helps.
I also had to give myself permission to copy to the two subdirectories, ui and icons, by right clicking on them,
properties, security, edit, select my user account, and check permission box.

Good until the next beta...
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 From:  andrewsimper
I've just updated to this version and the mouse wheel no longer zooms in and out on any view. I'm running Mac OS 10.7.5 with a bluetooth magic mouse that works fine in all other applications. Any ideas? Also is it possible to have an user script folder not located inside the wine binary folder on Mac? This way my scripts will remain when I update versions, at the moment I have to go through the wine binary resources cdrive folder and copy out scripts and put them in the new binaries folder.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.68 In reply to 5774.67 
Hi Andrew, yeah there is a problem with the magic mouse wheel gesture in this version that's a side effect from the new multi-touch view handling.

I think I have a fix for that though, try updating your existing moi_touch.dylib file with the new version attached to this message, you need to right-click on the MoI app, then go into /drive_c/moi , that's where you'll find the previous version. Maybe rename the existing version something like moi_touch_old.dylib so you can restore it if the new one does not work right.

But hopefully with the new one in place it should fix that scrolling problem, please let me know if it does not.

The issue happened because the magic mouse is sort of a "semi"-multitouch device, where doing a scrolling gesture does something like sends out a message that a multitouch gesture is beginning but then says that no fingers are actually being used for the gesture, something a bit odd along those lines that I was not expecting to see.

> Also is it possible to have an user script folder not located inside the
> wine binary folder on Mac? This way my scripts will remain when I update
> versions, at the moment I have to go through the wine binary resources cdrive
> folder and copy out scripts and put them in the new binaries folder.

I do eventually want to make a script folder that could be in some central location, but there are some additional details to work out for doing that, like should they have version numbers of the minimum supported MoI version that is required for the script to run... So anyway there is some planning work to be done for making that happen. So far it has just not been a high priority to do that work yet because that file copying step going into the binary resources cdrive only takes something like 30 seconds to do and you only need to do it once for a new build. So it's an annoyance but such a low level and infrequent one that it just is easy for now to live with.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.69 In reply to 5774.67 
Also re: magic mouse scrolling, I just remembered there was another discussion thread on that here:

- Michael
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 From:  andrewsimper
5774.70 In reply to 5774.68 
The attached moi_touch.dylib works perfectly thankyou!

As for the scripts, I don't even mind if it's not a central location, even a sub folder of the commands folder is fine, or perhaps a folder next to it called user-commands, just anything to group them so I can easily tell which ones I've added and be able to remove them again easily if I run into trouble.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.71 In reply to 5774.70 
Hi Andrew, that's great news that the scrolling issue is fixed!

> As for the scripts, I don't even mind if it's not a central location, even a sub folder of the
> commands folder is fine, or perhaps a folder next to it called user-commands, just anything
> to group them so I can easily tell which ones I've added and be able to remove them again
> easily if I run into trouble.

If you like you can just make a folder next to it called user-commands yourself using Finder, and put any commands that you install into there as well as the regular commands folder as a way to keep track of what you've added. MoI will not automatically run the commands in the added folder but just having them listed in one place should do the "keeping track" part...

There is not normally any reason to remove commands, they do not run automatically or anything like that, they only run when you specifically trigger them by a shortcut key or by typing in the command name. Some kinds of plug-in systems for other programs are set up in ways that the plug-ins can hook into the system at a pretty low level and mess things up if they're buggy but MoI's plug-in commands are not set up to do stuff like that at least not yet.

- Michael
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