V3 beta Mar-17-2013 available now
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5774.2 In reply to 5774.1 
Thanks Michael! Looking forward to giving it a whirl.

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 From:  mcramblet
The NSided hole filling is pretty cool, as expected. Played around for a few minutes with it, now I'll have to try it out in some production work.

Michael Cramblet
Packaging Design
Phone: 616-574-6271
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Pardon me Michael, but:


Thank you sooooo much for "N-Sided" Michael! :-)

When I get some time soon, I'm going to try some N-Sided problem-solving.

I've already tried on a few strange objects and can acknowledge that it's going to have it's quirkiness as far as "surface continuity", but I am very pleased with what It's able to solve. I'll try to post some pics later.

I'm so pumped, I think I might make a tutorial using it!
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 From:  marcorhino
other news of this beta ?

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Thanks for the hard work, looking forward to patch up!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.7 In reply to 5774.4 
Hi Mike,

> I've already tried on a few strange objects and can acknowledge that it's going to have it's quirkiness
> as far as "surface continuity", but I am very pleased with what It's able to solve. I'll try to post some
> pics later.

Right now it should get G1 continuity, and you are probably thinking about G2... I am still in the process of doing some more experiments with it though, and hopefully I'll be able to improve it some more.

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5774.8 In reply to 5774.7 
Thanks Michael,

It's nice to know that this new tool has promise of more... good luck with its development!

I'll have questions and examples to share with you for sure later...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.9 In reply to 5774.1 
Sorry I did not get a chance today to update the description for the beta with better details yet - I'll be traveling tomorrow so it may take another day or so.

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
New "Align" -> Move as group !

Like I requested ^^ It's amazing !

Thank you Michael :)
shapenoid.com stojan-voumard.com
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 From:  Denis (SPACELAND)
Thank you

I love the new beta, running fine with the new multi touch on the Samsung 500t model.

| CorelDraw Grahics Suite X6 | Daz Carrara Pro 8 | Moi 3D V2 |Cinema 4D R14 |

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.12 In reply to 5774.10 
> New "Align" -> Move as group !

Yup, I almost forgot about that - I hope it's useful! I think there may be also some other thing implemented that you requested as well, something that was not scriptable before or something like that, I'll figure it out when I get a chance to go over the full change list probably tomorrow.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.13 In reply to 5774.11 
Hi Denis,

> I love the new beta, running fine with the new multi touch on the Samsung 500t model.

That's great news! There are some various settings available under Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom settings > Multitouch section, and also a couple of other customizable things in moi.ini too, I'll get a whole list together tomorrow.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.14 In reply to 5774.10 
Hi DesuDeus - now I remember the other new option that's in there that you had asked for, it's one for showing hidden lines only on selected objects instead of showing all hidden lines.

It was a lot more complicated to implement than you might think, since it involved various different things like hit testing, selection, and not just purely display.

But it's in there now, you can turn it on in the Options UI under Options > View > "Hidden edges on selected only".

Also you can flip it on or off by putting this script on a keyboard shortcut:

script: /* Toggle using hidden edge display for selected objects only */ moi.view.hiddenLinesSelectedOnly = !moi.view.hiddenLinesSelectedOnly;

When it's turned on you will only see and snap to and select hidden edges on selected objects when hidden edge display is enabled.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
ArrayGem now works with point targets.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5774.16 In reply to 5774.14 
> showing hidden lines only on selected objects instead of showing all hidden lines


This could be interesting... I can dig it. The ability to see the full hidden line detail only on the object you're working on.

> ArrayGem now works with point targets.

So... maybe ArrayCircular might someday allow you to pick a two-point rotation axis in 3d-space rather than just one point that rotates on the current view or C-plane? ;-) Sorry, had to plug it.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
I've been working on gathering up the full release notes, there are a lot of other little bug fixes and various requested things in this version. I hope to have the notes finished up tomorrow, sorry it's taken a while.

- Michael
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 From:  TpwUK
5774.18 In reply to 5774.17 
Hey Michael - Relax dude, it's beta-ware, it's fluid and subject to change!

Have a good trip and enjoy the Easter weekend if you celebrate it ... or not :)

Martin Spencer-Ford
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5774.19 In reply to 5774.18 
> enjoy the Easter weekend if you celebrate it...

Michael, give your bunny plenty of food and rest Monday, he'll deserve it. ;-)
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 From:  mjs (MSHIDELER)
5774.20 In reply to 5774.17 
One thing that I did notice about the Mar beta is that imports work much better than in the other two.

There were several models, some SW native others IGES & STEP, that I had to play with in MoI 2.0 because the V3 beta would not open them.

Mar 18 release runs perfectly on that regard. I don't know if you actually worked on the import engine but something that was done made the import file work much better for me.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5774.21 In reply to 5774.20 
Hi mjs,

> Mar 18 release runs perfectly on that regard. I don't know if
> you actually worked on the import engine but something that
> was done made the import file work much better for me.

That's great news - this version has been updated to use the latest library version for IGES, STEP, and SAT transfer which has some bug fixes in it, and also I've fixed a pretty low level bug in Solids++ involving coincidence checking between closed edge curves which probably helps out some join problems.

Anyway, I'm glad that this release is improving in this regard.

- Michael
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