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 From:  Michael Gibson
5770.8 In reply to 5770.6 
Hi Ayer,

> but just basic feature to edit dimensions more quickly, so just lines quoting and maybe distance quoting.

That is something that I'd like to work on in the future, but even getting it to a "basic feature" level will require an awful lot of work in several areas, including a lot of UI design which tends to take me a long time.

So I'm not sure right now when that will happen.

Also probably at first there will just be plain dimension labeling to set up printouts and stuff like that, before trying to get to the point of editable constraint dimensions.

> Yeah, but without the complication of solidworks.

Unfortunately designing things to work with less complication actually tends to require a lot more design time than making complex stuff!

It is definitely an area that I would like to work on in the future though.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5770.9 In reply to 5770.7 
Hi Martin,

> i can type the distance i want, and the line is again
> constrained - is this not the same ?

That does work right now for one line at a time, I assume that with the "like solidworks" request means being able to do something more like one line that's a small part of a larger sketch curve and have other parts of the sketch also update to accommodate the change in length.

- Michael
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 From:  TpwUK
5770.10 In reply to 5770.9 
Thanks for the explanation Michael, sadly that pops up another question of whether it would be possible to set the d(n) constrainer to be recalled on the right click repeat last command tool ? I could see that being handy at times, clicking back on the line drawing tool or arc for that matter would then clear the constraint until it's defined again.

Martin Spencer-Ford
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5770.11 In reply to 5770.10 
Hi Martin, sorry I'm not sure if I'm understanding what you're asking about there - what is the "d(n) constrainer" ? You mean setting distance constraint that allows you to control the length of a line as you're drawing it?

It's somewhat tricky to stick too many extra things inside the right-click repeat mechanism because it can break other workflows. Like for instance if distance constraint itself repeated, would you then have to instead manually trigger the line command itself if you wanted to draw 2 lines in a row?

It could be possible to set up a script on a keyboard shortcut that would set a constraint of a specific value, if you need to use a specific distance value a whole lot that could be a way to repeat it quickly, let me know if you would like a script that would do that.

- Michael
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 From:  TpwUK
5770.12 In reply to 5770.11 
Hi Michael, you understood me with the distance constrainer ... Thought there might be problems with the right click storing values idea, but the amount of effort is no different from clicking the line tool or whatever to break the constraint as there is in having to retype it all the time, but if it's not an easy implementation thing then it's no real problem as copy and paste and array tools suffice nicely but thanks for giving it thought.

Martin Spencer-Ford
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5770.13 In reply to 5770.12 
Hi Martin, yeah right this moment it's not an easy thing to implement since the command repeat thing only repeats actual commands, setting the distance constraint is not quite the same kind of thing as an actual command.

- Michael
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