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 From:  Michael Gibson
5769.7 In reply to 5769.1 
Hi Ari, so also another complicating factor is some of the leg structure is poking up just by a very tiny amount up past the top surface of the board, making nearly a kind of "single point" tip contact from some bottom pieces and the top surface. Here I've made a high resolution mesh and you can see some little tiny leg spikes sticking up through the top:

So anyway that's another complicating factor, having a pointy object rest its point right on the inside of the top surface of another solid will make for a difficult to handle boolean.

By doing ShrinkTrimmedSrf it was then possible to do one big group union for getting the board and the tiles togehter, now to get the legs on I'll probably first try to make a median surface going down the middle of the board (by offsetting the bottom up), and cutting the legs with that first to cut away these areas that are just barely poking through the top.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5769.8 In reply to 5769.5 
Hi Ari, I've attached here a finished up solid version of the chessboard, I think it's got all the things combined ok now.

The main steps I did was that I first focused on getting the board and the tiles combined, when I examined their surfaces I saw that they originally came from a big sphere surface that was many many times larger than the current active trimmed area - that will make some various complications with such a discrepancy in size since some things like intersection tolerance will be based on the overall size of the underlying surfaces.

So running ShrinkTrimmedSrf on those pieces solved that problem - after doing that it was then possible to just select the board and all the times all at once and do a boolean union.

Then like I wrote above I also noticed that some of the legs were poking little pointy parts up either right on or just slightly above the top surface, you don't want to have that kind of thing with a sharp point barely touching some other piece. So to solve that I did an offset of the bottom surface of the board halfway up to construct a surface going halfway through the board. I then selected the legs and did boolean difference with that median surface as the cutting object. That took a couple of minutes to calculate and then it sliced off the tops of those leg pieces that were sticking up too much, then I deleted those. Then after that a boolean union with the board worked ok.

- Michael

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 From:  aton (ARITOLON)
5769.9 In reply to 5769.8 
Hello Michael,

thanks a million :) both for the model and guidance - must learn how to use the ShrinkTrimmedSrf.
BTW Should ScaleArray work ok in MAC as well (so for no luck with that)?

br Ari
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5769.10 In reply to 5769.9 
Hi Ari, you're welcome! re: ScaleArray - I think that should be working on the Mac too. But in order for it to work you need to include a point object (Draw curve > More > Point) along with the arrayed objects, it then uses that point as the center of the scale. Is it possible that your array items did not include a point object like that?

- Michael
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 From:  aton (ARITOLON)
5769.11 In reply to 5769.10 
Hello Michael,

I have the point object ok - there is an error message:

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ScaleArray
line 1
1: >> ScaleArray

I have created a 'commands'-folder and added the ScaleArray.js and .htm there - is there something else I should do?

br Ari
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5769.12 In reply to 5769.11 
Hi Ari - you shouldn't have to create a commands folder, there should already be one there with all the regular commands (like Line, Extrude, Sweep, etc...) all in there already, you need to put those ScaleArray files into the same spot as all the regular commands.

So I think you probably don't have it in the right folder - when MoI tries to execute a command and it doesn't find any files of that name in the commands folder, it tries to execute the text as inline script code, that's what generates that particular error message that you're getting.

To get to the right commands folder on the Mac you need to right-click on the app and pick "Show package contents", then inside there go to /drive_c/moi/commands - that's where you'll need to copy the files into. Once you do that then you should be going ok.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
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 From:  aton (ARITOLON)
5769.14 In reply to 5769.13 
Hello Michael,

and so it was :) Thanks again - now I'll stop bothering you.

br Ari
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5769.15 In reply to 5769.14 
Hi Ari, well definitely the plug-in installation mechanism is pretty crude right now, particularly on OSX where you have to do that right-click and go down in there a ways.

In the future I want to totally overhaul that whole mechanism and have something like some built in UI to browse a repository of plug-ins. There is quite a bit of work involved in that though, and since you only have to do the clumsy copy step just one time and not on a daily basis or anything it just hasn't risen to a high priority yet.

- Michael
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