simultaneous X and PERP snap line to curve?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5767.8 In reply to 5767.6 
Sorry I had not precised!

Not this Zoom In ! :)
The Inverse Zoom Out ! Mousewheel in the other side!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.9 In reply to 5767.4 
Hi brash, one of your screenshots shows this:

But that is expected that you will not find a "perp" snap in that spot - perp snap in that case of relocating a construction line will find this perpendicular here from the previous point going towards the curve:

Are you possibly trying to locate areas on a curve where the curve tangents are aligned to the x or y axis directions?

If so then check out this recent post about doing that:

The single "Perp snap" will not give you the point you are looking for there - but there are other methods you can use to get it, either select the curve and use the BoundingBox command (set up either a keyboard shortcut for it or hit the tab key and type in BoundingBox and push enter) to generate a bounding frame which will then have intersection points at the spots you want, or set up parallel lines or construction lines and use perp/perp (note - the double perp on both sides, not just single perp snap) as shown here in blue:

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.10 In reply to 5767.1 
Here's an example of finding a point on a squiggly curve that will be going perpendicular to the y axis direction using perp/perp snap:

To do it with this method, first put in a line or construction line going in x-axis direction. Then place the first point of the line somewhere in the general area where the perpendicular point is at, then when you place the second point onto the x-axis line, move your mouse around until you find the perp/perp point, it will usually be a slight distance to one side of the single perp snap. Once that is located you will see a "Perp/Perp" label shown on both the first and the current point of the line (not just only on the current point like regular "perp" object snap) - this is a special snap that not only modifies the current point but also modifies the previous point as well, that's why the labels are shown on both the base and the target point for this one. Because it modifies the previous pick and not just only the current point it's only enabled for some particular commands that are like line drawing, like the line, polyline commands and when drawing (not relocating) construction lines too, but since you can generate construction lines in any drawing command you can use them to get it when needed in other commands.

The other way is if you use the BoundingBox command you will get a frame around the curve and it should then have intersection snap points at these locations as well.

In the future I'd like to add some way to make individual snap points show up at these locations, but it takes some calculation to figure these out on squiggly curves and it's not always so good to have too many snap points all going at the same time since it can get in the way of more freely placing points. So maybe it would be something that you would go into an extended properties dialog to turn on or off those snap points on a particular curve maybe. But in the meantime one of these other methods can get you those particular points as well.

I hope that I didn't misunderstand what you are looking for...

- Michael


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 From:  brash
5767.11 In reply to 5767.9 
sorry my english is not native.
I need find perpendicular to curve and parallel to straight. both points are very closly but I need accuracy.)))

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
You have an infinity of Y Perp along this curve!

Choose first the point you want on the curve!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.13 In reply to 5767.11 
Hi brash,

> I need find perpendicular to curve and parallel to straight. both points
> are very closly but I need accuracy.)))

You may not have seen my above posts since you were probably writing a reply at the same time I was posting them.

Check up above for how "perp/perp" snap works - I think that's what you want. Place a line or construction line along the x-axis direction below your curve. Then you will be able to draw a line or construction line and engage "perp/perp" snap to find a point on the curve where the curve perpendicular matches the perpendicular to the x-axis direction. That will be a line at a point on the curve where the curve perpendicular and y-axis direction are the same.

There is a video screencap and more explanation in the above posts.

Or also if you use the BoundingBox command to generate a frame around the curve you will then have some intersections at the points you want as well.

- Michael
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 From:  brash
Yes, I need this! perp/perp snap to both sides. I move parallele but must perpendicular))))
Thanks so much!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.15 In reply to 5767.14 
No problem brash, I'm glad that does what you need! Sorry I did not understand what you were asking about at first.

Also, when using perp/perp snap the initial point on the first curve must be somewhere in the general area (like with 50 pixels or something like that) of where the actual final point will be at. That helps to avoid it being triggered accidentally all the time, basically it only triggers if there was a shared perpendicular line in the screen area nearby both the first and the second pick.

If you have placed the first point very close to where the final perp/perp snap will be, you will usually find the activating point on the second pick to be just slightly to one side or the other of the "single perp" snap. You will know when you have activated perp/perp since you will see the label switch to "perp/perp" and it will also show on both points to indicate that both the first point and the second point are being modified by this particular snap.

The "single perp" object snap is different since it snaps the current point only, finding the perpendicular line coming directly from the base point. Perp/perp only uses your picked points as guides for where to look on the curve and the actual perp/perp snap locations come from a calculation that finds a shared perpendicular line between the curves.

- Michael
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 From:  brash
5767.16 In reply to 5767.15 
Thanks again, Michael!

Pls note my logic as simple man as I showed in first pics ;) To draw helper line in need direction and relocate it to find perp to the helper line on curve. maybe possible add this function "perp locator"?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.17 In reply to 5767.16 
Hi brash,

> maybe possible add this function "perp locator"?

Maybe, but I'm not sure how it would work for just regular picks which in general only have a "previous point" defined for finding perpendiculars. Do you mean it would be added only specifically to the construction line relocation only? That's getting pretty highly specialized, and it might be tricky to give a good label to actually show what was happening there, I can't really just say "perp" because the regular "perp" snap does something different than that (using the direction from the previous point).

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5767.18 In reply to 5767.17 
I would solve his particular workflow desire with "Keep C-lines"....

On that note, Michael, has anything changed enough about what Paul's custom "construction Line" command does that it could be altered to include the c-line edit option on the kept lines?

So rememeber that the initial inaccessibility to the kept c-lines (or maybe the visual that they have been "activated or picked") yet still "transformed with the regular tools" (They do actually get picked like objects. with a name and a style). Maybe that can now be added to it?


EDITED: 14 Mar 2013 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.19 In reply to 5767.18 
Hi Burr,

> I would solve his particular workflow desire with "Keep C-lines"....

But he's looking to find a location on a curve where the curve perpendicular matches a particular cline direction - that would be a new kind of snapping function (but one that can currently be done by perp/perp snap instead), just keeping clines doesn't give that.

> On that note, Michael, has anything changed enough about what Paul's custom
> "construction Line" command does that it could be altered to include the c-line
> edit option on the kept lines?

No, not currently - right now it is built into that little pop up menu that it is implicitly editing (by things like reorient or relocate) the last created cline.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5767.20 In reply to 5767.19 
I was editing my post while you were posting back.....

""""""""""But he's looking to find a location on a curve where the curve perpendicular matches a particular cline direction - that would be a new kind of snapping function (but one that can currently be done by perp/perp snap instead), just keeping clines doesn't give that.""""""""""""

Yeah, I saw that and was thinking of the perp/perp, but he seems to be wanting to do it kindof "backwards', and I thought that the keep c-lines would let him do it. It's kindof the same as drawing an actual "line first", then having that to work with.
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 From:  BurrMan
5767.21 In reply to 5767.20 
This is what I think he's trying to do.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.22 In reply to 5767.21 
Hi Burr, I don't think that's quite it - from what I could tell he's looking for something like "draw a cline", then move that cline onto a curve snapping it to the particular point on the curve where the curve perpendicular has the same direction as that cline.

You can currently get that "point on the curve that has a specific perpendicular" by doing perp/perp snap currently like this:

He was originally trying to get that same point shown here with perp/perp snap by drawing in a y-axis direction construction line rather than an x-axis direction construction line like you see in the screencap here.

This problem of "find the point on a curve that has a specific perpendicular direction" cannot be solved by just doing a rotation of a construction line - it involves some kind of snap function that will seek through the curve finding the right spot on the curve that has the curve tangent or curve perpendicular going in that particular direction.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5767.23 In reply to 5767.22 
""""""""""find the point on a curve that has a specific perpendicular direction" cannot be solved by just doing a rotation of a construction line - it involves some kind of snap function that will seek through the curve finding the right spot on the curve that has the curve tangent or curve perpendicular going in that particular direction.""""""""""

Yes, the rotation was just an example of using the kept cline as an object. It seemed the question was "moving an existing cline from somewhere else" perp to perp on a curve somewhere else, which can be solved by the keep c-line/object transform thing I showed. I was just pushing to see if I could get the keep c-line beefed up, because what you are showing is "just make a new c-line" which works fine.

Kindof like asking to have the BoundingBox command have an axis directional method added. I think that kind of tinkering just needs to wait, because it can be acheived by rotating the part, instead of making the command do the rotation.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Don't work out of this validity aera! ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.25 In reply to 5767.24 
Hi Pilou, yes that's normal and intentional - the perp/perp snap will only engage if the initial pick point was within 65 pixels (actually 4 times the object snap radius) of the actual perp/perp location.

That helps to keep perp/perp to only engage when you pick somewhere in the general area of the perpendicular line, otherwise it was kind of weird when the base point would suddenly fly off to some far away location from your picks.

- Michael
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 From:  brash
5767.26 In reply to 5767.17 
Hi Michael,

When I do Relocate cline I see on object "On", "Int", "Cen", "End" etc. and intuitively expect "Perp/On" and "Tan/On".
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.27 In reply to 5767.26 
Hi Brash, the "On" osnap is so generic it is intentionally not combined with other object snap labels if a "specific point" one is active.

That's because otherwise you would be seeing it added to every single label except "Cen", because they are all points on the curve.

So since that would be a lot of extra labeling that would be nearly always present, "On" is only displayed when there is not any more specific snap engaged.

- Michael
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