simultaneous X and PERP snap line to curve?
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 From:  BurrMan
5767.23 In reply to 5767.22 
""""""""""find the point on a curve that has a specific perpendicular direction" cannot be solved by just doing a rotation of a construction line - it involves some kind of snap function that will seek through the curve finding the right spot on the curve that has the curve tangent or curve perpendicular going in that particular direction.""""""""""

Yes, the rotation was just an example of using the kept cline as an object. It seemed the question was "moving an existing cline from somewhere else" perp to perp on a curve somewhere else, which can be solved by the keep c-line/object transform thing I showed. I was just pushing to see if I could get the keep c-line beefed up, because what you are showing is "just make a new c-line" which works fine.

Kindof like asking to have the BoundingBox command have an axis directional method added. I think that kind of tinkering just needs to wait, because it can be acheived by rotating the part, instead of making the command do the rotation.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Don't work out of this validity aera! ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.25 In reply to 5767.24 
Hi Pilou, yes that's normal and intentional - the perp/perp snap will only engage if the initial pick point was within 65 pixels (actually 4 times the object snap radius) of the actual perp/perp location.

That helps to keep perp/perp to only engage when you pick somewhere in the general area of the perpendicular line, otherwise it was kind of weird when the base point would suddenly fly off to some far away location from your picks.

- Michael
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 From:  brash
5767.26 In reply to 5767.17 
Hi Michael,

When I do Relocate cline I see on object "On", "Int", "Cen", "End" etc. and intuitively expect "Perp/On" and "Tan/On".
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5767.27 In reply to 5767.26 
Hi Brash, the "On" osnap is so generic it is intentionally not combined with other object snap labels if a "specific point" one is active.

That's because otherwise you would be seeing it added to every single label except "Cen", because they are all points on the curve.

So since that would be a lot of extra labeling that would be nearly always present, "On" is only displayed when there is not any more specific snap engaged.

- Michael
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